A few images from the most recent aerial update from TowersTimes.
The site now has a very twisted section of track heading through the middle of it, as you can see. Entering from the cobra roll, it goes through a half zero g roll into a half heartline roll immediately followed by a half corkscrew into a half heartline roll - essentially rising all the way from the cobra roll to the end of this element.
Only time will tell at the moment whether there will be a final cheeky roll just before the ride enters the final brakes (similar to Colossus).
At this point in time, there are now 14 confirmed inversions - which could feasibly rise to 15.
Progress is still a little slow, on site, although this week is expected to see quite a chunk of support work going up, now that the majority of the plastic plugs have been removed from the footers in the main concrete slab.
Visit Towerstimes.co.uk, or their Facebook page for more images of the latest aerial update.