Finally something that isn't a compact looper. I thought the name sounded kinda cool. I know I had sometime made a woodie called X Beast and its signature element was a 90 degree drop, but it was crap. This one aims to be for RMC what the Voyage is to Gravity Group.

A kind of double down drop. This will probably end up as a terrain coaster. The lift crest is roughly 164.8 feet above the base of the lift and the ride is roughly a 193 foot elevation difference. It will probably go into an underground tunnel.

78 degree first drop.

You can't see it just from the picture but the lift sound is ripped from the video of Outlaw Run testing.

That hill pulls serious ejector air, at least -1.0.

As far as I got.
A vital question: do Rocky Mountains have friction wheels in the station or do they rely on gravity to slide out on their own like most wooden coasters do?