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Silver Dollar city debuts Outlaw Run

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Post March 14th, 2013, 1:20 am

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Holy crap..... <3
Oh, were you expecting something here?

Post March 14th, 2013, 1:42 am

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Wow, that's much earlier than I thought it would open to the public.
mkingy wrote:
Yoda was famously quoted as saying:

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Free the Orcas, you must
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Post March 14th, 2013, 12:44 pm

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Embedded a POV for those of you who are too lazy to go to YouTube.

The ride looks like s3x, plain and simple. I'm really wishing I was taking a trip to Branson rather than Florida this year. Makes me wonder if this ride will take the #1 spot for best woodie. And, it begs the question, if that happens, and Iron Rattler blows heads off bodies and takes the #1 spot for best steel coaster, would that be the first time that a coaster company takes both #1 spots in the same year?

Post March 14th, 2013, 12:53 pm
Coasterkidmwm User avatar
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No, because it isn't wooden
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Post March 14th, 2013, 1:16 pm

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You're right, it's clearly made of plastic. What was I thinking?

Post March 14th, 2013, 2:57 pm

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^^I call bs on that.. it is steel wheels, and the track is mostly composed of wood. It looks like a wooden coaster anyways.

Either way this ride looks like it kicks major butt. Looks way better than el toro..

Post March 14th, 2013, 3:22 pm

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There seems to be more moments of possible airtime than I originally thought. Guess we' find out after the trip reports in the near future
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Post March 14th, 2013, 3:59 pm
A.S.C. User avatar
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Originally posted by Kyle Sloane

^^I call bs on that.. it is steel wheels, and the track is mostly composed of wood. It looks like a wooden coaster anyways.

if it were like normal wooden coasters it wouldnt have that much steel on the track, thus making many parts of the ride undoable. so im with ck on this

Post March 18th, 2013, 10:37 am

Posts: 71
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Looks cool but too short.I still think El toro is better-more ejector air and faster speed and pace.Iron Rattler is not wooden(tracks all steel) but I beleive it will be more intense than Outlaw Run-Iron Rattler is much bigger and several major airtime drops,is faster,longer etc.Both Outlaw and Iron Rattler look awesome.

Post March 18th, 2013, 9:40 pm
SauronHimself User avatar
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The funny thing about this coaster is that people used to make ones similar to this in NoLimits and get 5/10 ratings for unrealistic layouts lol.

Is that first overbanked turn being considered an inversion? It's 153 degrees, so technically it misses the boat by two degrees.

Post March 19th, 2013, 5:04 pm

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Post March 19th, 2013, 5:20 pm

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Looks like it tracks like a normal wood coaster which is definitely a good thing.

Post March 21st, 2013, 12:51 am

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Originally posted by A.S.C.

Originally posted by Kyle Sloane

^^I call bs on that.. it is steel wheels, and the track is mostly composed of wood. It looks like a wooden coaster anyways.

if it were like normal wooden coasters it wouldnt have that much steel on the track, thus making many parts of the ride undoable. so im with ck on this

Here's the thing... a traditional wood coaster has a stack of wood topped by a steel rail.
OutRun has a stack of wood topped by a thicker steel rail, which happens to be hollow and filled with a secret concoction that RMC isn't divulging.

Bottom line: stack of wood topped with a steel rail. It's a wood coaster.

As for the inference that "if it were like normal wood coasters, it couldn't do that" well.... you're mistaken there, because Hades360.
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Post March 21st, 2013, 12:56 am

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Post March 21st, 2013, 5:05 am

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How can Topper Track be used alongside traditional wood track on the same coaster, and be compatible with PTC trains, if it were anything but wood? (Tremors comes to mind.)


@Cali Coaster: Not really, for the Golden Ticket Awards El Toro and MF are both #1, while El Toro and EGF are both #1 for the Mitch Hawker Polls. All three are Intamin.
mkingy wrote:
Yoda was famously quoted as saying:

Yoda wrote:
Free the Orcas, you must
Sith will prevail, otherwise


Post March 21st, 2013, 6:20 am
hyyyper User avatar
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Originally posted by AmatsuNL

How can Topper Track be used alongside traditional wood track on the same coaster, and be compatible with PTC trains, if it were anything but wood? (Tremors comes to mind.)


Because it has the same dimensions, obviously. If you were to make a track out of play-doh, it would work as long as it had the same dimensions where the wheels run over the track (and is strong enough).

As for the wood/not wood-debat, my opinion is that it's a hybrid track (not to be confused with hybrid supported coasters). There is just too much steel in this track to make it a full woodie.
Regular woodies have about 8 layers of wood, with a small steel strip where the wheels run over.
RMC topper track has only got the bottom part of the track made out of wood, the entire top is a rectangular steel tube filled with concrete. So while it is partially made out of wood, the amount of steel (and concrete) is just too much to call this a pure wooden track.
So, in my eyes, it's a hybrid tracked (wooden) coaster.

Post March 21st, 2013, 9:15 pm

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Ahaha, I realize how stupid that just sounded. SOB's loop was made of steel, but it fit with the rest of the layout, so technically it was wood? Lol. [flush]

Nevertheless, I think Outlaw Run looks like an amazing coaster. It's sure to be in many top ten lists of numerous coaster enthusiasts.
mkingy wrote:
Yoda was famously quoted as saying:

Yoda wrote:
Free the Orcas, you must
Sith will prevail, otherwise


Post March 22nd, 2013, 12:19 am

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SOB's loop tracking was wood. Just the structure was steel.

Post March 31st, 2013, 6:47 pm

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I got to ride Outlaw Run on opening day, and I have to say it is now my #1 woodie for many reasons.

The first reason is the hangtime. Going through the barrel rolls gives the best feeling of hangtime you could ever experience, plus the fact that there's only a lapbar to add some effect. I also enjoyed the airtime moments, as there were quite a few through the whole layout. The little hill before the barrel rolls was also breathtaking.

I can agree with some of you and say it is short. All SDC's rides are, so I guess it's just something that they incorporate into their rides. I took that flaw out of my head, though, and I still had a fantastic time.

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