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unfinished newton 2 track looking for help.

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Goku1910 User avatar
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I have an unfinished newton 2 track for X-flight and looking for someone to finish it. I have up until the third inversion finished so all that's needed is the turn, keyhole, and the final helix to the brakes.


Post May 16th, 2013, 3:16 pm

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Look awesome!! Does Wing swinger have in NL??


Post May 17th, 2013, 10:42 am
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Post May 17th, 2013, 9:58 pm

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Post May 17th, 2013, 10:40 pm

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I can help a little bit on some stuff. Recreations aren't really my cup of tea.

Lyle: English isn't your first language, is it?
Originally posted by GerstlCrazy
Cool! The name is Fly Over Rainforest?
I was under the impression the name was Green Coaster Goes Fast Goes High Has Clockwise Loop Has Straight Upside Down Four Seats Two On Each Side Fast Coaster?

Post May 17th, 2013, 11:54 pm
Goku1910 User avatar
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Yeah, I can send it to you if you want. You can try if you want. I've been using google maps and that white image above as a reference. The hard part is the brake run since it's pitch is downward at the same time it's turning. There's also a slight downward pitch the brake before the transfer.

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