Where do I begin.
Support color needs tweaking. It's too dark and too red. Add some yellow or orange to the color.
The first overbank needs more banking. It hits about 110 degrees once it hits the top.
That overbank also needs to turn a little longer at the top. It should be heading towards the station a little more. (I know this because in the B-Roll, the dive loop supports go over the lift hill)
Dive Loop rolling needs to start later
Your stall looks okay. I would need to see a simulator shot before I can make any more conclusions.
The second overbank hits near 90 degrees at the top. Have it start banking later, keep it about the same height for almost a full 180 degree turnaround. Once finished turning, drop the normal forces, start going back to zero degrees banking. The way you have it now seems to B&M hammerhead like.
The entrance to the brake run seems too strong. Reduce the lats if you can
How many of your recreations make it past the "rough draft" stage? Ypur transitions are way off, and the second turn around will be more flat, the way I see it is sort of like the way CCI did their turn arounds on some of the hybrids like great white except overbanked
Your main problem here is that your banking always starts too early, and is too spread out. It should start during the parabola of the hill, not before. Same goes for the roll back to 0?????????.
Also, when Goliath banks to, let's say, 135?????????, it maintains that for a short time, while in your current version, you go back to 0 immediately when you've reached 135?????????. That's because you've only one node when you should have at least two.
But keep on working on it, watch the videos again and again and try to mimic its style. [;)]