I left you a rate to give you some exposure on the front page, but here are some more thoughts:
This first point summarizes what is wrong with the recreation: WILD THING DOES NOT FIT IN THE NO LIMITS EDITOR!
I was looking to do a recreation a few years back, did a little research into what I was building, and realized that it wasn't possible. Before you even attempt a recreation, gather all the pictures and specs you can. As you're building, look at the pictures and mimic what you see; with the number of POVs on youtube, there's no excuse anymore. "Hill X goes here and is Y feet tall" doesn't fly in 2013. To get an idea of what I mean, go ride the train at Valleyfair. It takes you between the track and road, giving you a beautiful perspective of the camelbacks. Some have straight lead-ins, some are simply curved. This is what you need to incorperate into your rides to make them stand-out.
I'm not going to dive-in with what's inaccurate, because I trust you can find these things on your own. Not tooting my own horn (because I don't consider myself to be anywhere near 'elite' among builders), but realize that when I created Steel Venom, I fiddled with just the launch/brake segments for a whole night. Even with today's standards of "3D-loaded track or bust", a well-built track will earn you respect.
Like others have said above, recreations are
work. They're held to a higher standard and usually aren't worth attempting if you're not willing to but that 'extra' work into them. Wait until NoLimits 2's larger editor before attempting another Wild Thing recreation, but keep moving forward. Maybe try a High Roller recreation, since the track shaping will be much simpler. We can compare tracks if I ever finish my recreation

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