Sorry for the late response, I'm a slacker when it comes to giving detailed information that's not face to face.
I don't know why the installation succeeded but you can try what I've explained below that may fix the problem.
1. Download and install CCleaner and Defraggler (which I think is better than Windows defrag) from if you don't have them. Then choose your preferred selections for CCleaner and Defraggler but don't clean and defrag yet.
These are my preferred selections for CCleaner and Defraggler.
50.74 KB
39.03 KB
44.02 KB
2. Check for Windows 7 related updates and then download/install them if you haven?????????t recently otherwise just restart Windows 7. Before restarting Windows 7 it's a good idea to disable your wired/wireless driver so it?????????ll skip the auto updating process for the programs that have them enabled when Windows starts back up.
3. When Windows starts back up wait about minute or so > run Defraggler > analyze > full defrag > analyze again > close Defraggler if nothing comes up otherwise full defrag. This way when you then use CCleaner to remove files, it?????????ll remove a completed file instead part of a completed file because fragmentation occurs when the file system cannot or will not allocate enough contiguous space to store a complete file as a unit, but instead puts parts of it in gaps between other files.
4. Run CCleaner > analyze > run cleaner > select Registry > Scan for Issues > Fix selected issues > Scan for Issues again > close CCleaner if nothing comes up otherwise Fix selected issues > restart Windows. When Windows starts back up wait about minute or so > install SM.
Here?????????s a site that's helpful for those who are interested in disabling unnecessary services that's cluttering up hardware usage.