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All discussion relation to NoLimits Coaster 2 should be posted here. Purchase NoLimits Coaster from this page: nolimits-coaster-2-purchase-and-upgrade-links-t32524.html

Post January 11th, 2014, 1:38 am

Posts: 2113
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Nevermind I applied the scales rotations and locations of everything and it worked!

Post January 11th, 2014, 1:57 am

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Anyone have any luck killing black faces on SketchUp files? I see a lighting override panel but I'm not sure if I'll be able to edit textures that aren't nlmat through it, and also I'd like to avoid editing every single texture. Thanks.

Post January 11th, 2014, 1:59 am

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My new laptop is running the demo with no framerate issues (: . One more hour until full version finishes!

Post January 11th, 2014, 2:18 am

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Originally posted by Kyle Sloane

Nevermind I applied the scales rotations and locations of everything and it worked!

You beat me to it. Yes, the golden rule with Blender is, "Blender is weird". Always remember that rule and you'll at least know that you're not going insane.

In case you were having trouble finding the proper scale though, the value that I've discovered is 0.0254. Set the scale to that then open the object transform properties to work with exact sizes that will translate perfectly to feet/meters in NL2.

Post January 11th, 2014, 2:34 am

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Location: Rapid City, South Dakota, USA
Originally posted by dcs221

Anyone have any luck killing black faces on SketchUp files? I see a lighting override panel but I'm not sure if I'll be able to edit textures that aren't nlmat through it, and also I'd like to avoid editing every single texture. Thanks.

Are you saying that you're experiencing this in NoLimits 2? Or are you asking if it's been solved from NoLimits 1? In testing we downloaded many Sketchup files and never saw a single black texture. Some missing textures, but that wasn't our fault. The Empire State building looks pretty rad.


Post January 11th, 2014, 2:40 am

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Phyter, that light of day and that dark of a face of the building doesn't look off to you? Everything's real dark, way darker than in SketchUp. Looks about the same as it did in NL1, except with the in game shadowing making it worse. Of course, that in game shadowing will look great once the texture lighting is better, if I figure out how to make that happen.

Post January 11th, 2014, 2:56 am

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It seems that creating an environment with a darker ambient color as well as turning up the gamma when in full screen made quite the difference graphically! I just wish I could apply this to the day and night cycle.. It also frustrates how the cube maps are so shiny still even when they are in the dark. The train almost glows when it's in a building or station. I wonder how difficult it would be to fix this.. hopefully this may be added to the potential features list along with ambient occlusion and bloom/hdr.

Post January 11th, 2014, 3:05 am

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So, I made my first coaster tonight, putting that speed comb and g-force comb to use. What I got out of it was a pretty wild, yet simple out & back woodie somewhat inspired by Tonnerre de Zeus. Once uploaded, I'll get a quick POV uploaded on Youtube.

I imported my Gold Striker recreation into NL2 and while I fudged the video settings (came out all interlaced because of what I set it to with NL2), this still came out pretty neat. You can almost feel the turns and pops of air the coaster has with that slightly moving camera (simulating body movements).

Please note: the Superman Ultimate Flight model is non-working, and is not located at the same park :)
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Post January 11th, 2014, 3:11 am
SauronHimself User avatar
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Post January 11th, 2014, 3:17 am

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So segments and vortexes* are completely different than in NoLimits 1? I'm having quite a difficult time forming pieces of track, due to the fact that the entire track is one segment. Shouldn't altering one vertex only affect the track directly after the previous one and before the one that follows?

*vortexes, lol... I blame that on being up for over 40 hours.

Post January 11th, 2014, 3:33 am

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^I was a bit confused as well...It seems like the track, though having multiple vertices, is treated as 1 piece of track. I had to insert separators in order to create segments such as station, brake run, lift, etc. Rolls/banking is also added separately. While this is a bit confusing at first, this is growing on me quite fast as I feel like I have more control on things.

And, now that it's first creation! Name inspired by RCT1's woodie, layout inspired by TdZ at Parc Asterix goes!
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Post January 11th, 2014, 3:53 am

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Originally posted by dcs221

Phyter, that light of day and that dark of a face of the building doesn't look off to you? Everything's real dark, way darker than in SketchUp. Looks about the same as it did in NL1, except with the in game shadowing making it worse. Of course, that in game shadowing will look great once the texture lighting is better, if I figure out how to make that happen.

I was looking for black faces, per your post, not dark faces. But, yes, I agree that it appears dark. And upon further investigation it does in fact seem that this is an issue with 3DS file exported from Sketchup directly.

Image Insert:
206.15 KB

We'll investigate this and hopefully have a fix for it in a future version, assuming a fix is possible that is. It doesn't appear to have anything to with NoLimits2 but rather certain properties that Sketchup itself adds to the 3DS file, which is why the output from other 3D modeling programs don't have the same anomaly.

The good news is you can convert through Blender or Max and you will get the result you expect without having to modify textures or creating .nl2mat files.

Post January 11th, 2014, 3:56 am

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Originally posted by Angry_Gumball

^I was a bit confused as well...It seems like the track, though having multiple vertices, is treated as 1 piece of track. I had to insert separators in order to create segments such as station, brake run, lift, etc. Rolls/banking is also added separately. While this is a bit confusing at first, this is growing on me quite fast as I feel like I have more control on things.

Ah, that makes sense. I guess I'll just have to play around with it for a bit. It seems I'll be adding nearly as many separators per track as I did segments in NL1.

Post January 11th, 2014, 3:58 am

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Yeah I still have to figure out how to convert through Max. I heard of one person doing it texture by texture, and another clicking a few buttons and it's fixed. I think I heard Anim8or had a good way of doing it, but it doesn't work with .png files or something so that was pointless. I do believe it was simply adjusting the ambient lighting of the materials or something along those lines, which is why I thought it may be possible through the NL2MAT Editor. Ah well at least it's not something that can't be fixed at all.

Post January 11th, 2014, 4:07 am
coolbeans326 User avatar
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After running the program in different settings, it didnt seem to matter much what graphical settings I had the game running, but the performance was about the same. Running nvidia 8800 gt. Maybe I can snatch another card off of ebay and run it with the sli function

Post January 11th, 2014, 4:30 am
SauronHimself User avatar
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The video export definitely does not compress the files at all. I exported 60 seconds of 1080p at 60 FPS, and it was 10.1 GB. Windows Movie Maker scaled it down to 155 MB at the same resolution.

Post January 11th, 2014, 4:36 am

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Originally posted by dcs221

Yeah I still have to figure out how to convert through Max. I heard of one person doing it texture by texture, and another clicking a few buttons and it's fixed. I think I heard Anim8or had a good way of doing it, but it doesn't work with .png files or something so that was pointless. I do believe it was simply adjusting the ambient lighting of the materials or something along those lines, which is why I thought it may be possible through the NL2MAT Editor. Ah well at least it's not something that can't be fixed at all.

If you're happy with just converting the file, then as long as the material assignments remain the same there shouldn't be any need to do anything with the textures. Simply import into Max/Blender and export as .3DS. The Empire State building above didn't require any modification. It began as a .3DS file from Sketchup and used short form names for all 118 texture assets. The Blender and Max buildings in that screen shot were direct import->export back to the original folder. No modification was needed to the texture names or assignments.

The one and only limitation you will encounter is if you're converting from a file with long form material names (e.g. "WallFlower_01.jpg"). These will be truncated by 3D Studio Max to 11 characters ("WallFlower_") and the file reference will break. In those cases you would have to create a .NL2MAT file and reference it to the material name in the .NL2SCO editor. But that's just another demonstration of why our system is so powerful for content creators, because there are solid work around to these problems. :)

Post January 11th, 2014, 5:20 am
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I made a quick comparison video of the NL1 and NL2 simulators. Watch in 1080p to appreciate the full differences.

Post January 11th, 2014, 6:32 am

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I was expecting improvements to NL1 and am blown away of how more detailed NL2 is. Sauron, I downloaded the demo and all works just fine. Guess the integrated card I have is sufficient. Can't purchase until Tuesday. The long wait I must suffer. :)
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Post January 11th, 2014, 8:16 am

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just downloaded the demo, and all i have to say is freakin' fantastic. can't wait till my next payday to download the full version. great job Ole and the rest of the NL dev. team. Superb product.
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Post January 11th, 2014, 11:22 am
Coasterkidmwm User avatar
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Originally posted by dcs221

Phyter, that light of day and that dark of a face of the building doesn't look off to you? Everything's real dark, way darker than in SketchUp. Looks about the same as it did in NL1, except with the in game shadowing making it worse. Of course, that in game shadowing will look great once the texture lighting is better, if I figure out how to make that happen.

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Post January 11th, 2014, 12:25 pm
Goku1910 User avatar
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Originally posted by Phyter

Originally posted by dcs221

Phyter, that light of day and that dark of a face of the building doesn't look off to you? Everything's real dark, way darker than in SketchUp. Looks about the same as it did in NL1, except with the in game shadowing making it worse. Of course, that in game shadowing will look great once the texture lighting is better, if I figure out how to make that happen.

I was looking for black faces, per your post, not dark faces. But, yes, I agree that it appears dark. And upon further investigation it does in fact seem that this is an issue with 3DS file exported from Sketchup directly.

Image Insert:
206.15 KB

We'll investigate this and hopefully have a fix for it in a future version, assuming a fix is possible that is. It doesn't appear to have anything to with NoLimits2 but rather certain properties that Sketchup itself adds to the 3DS file, which is why the output from other 3D modeling programs don't have the same anomaly.

The good news is you can convert through Blender or Max and you will get the result you expect without having to modify textures or creating .nl2mat files.

Have you tried using anim8or to change the ambient color like we needed to for NL1?

Post January 11th, 2014, 1:27 pm

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Accents on B&M spines aren't working... it says "failure to load texture: invalid call" a bunch of times while loading, then the entire spine is the color that just the accent should be.
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Post January 11th, 2014, 1:38 pm

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I'm confused by all the error messages like this^ and stuff like when I imported a coaster from NL 1 the ground was white. do they work

Post January 11th, 2014, 2:00 pm

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Go to terrain settings and pick the normal grass texture.


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