I don't see why they'd bother to attach things that look like car shocks to all of the trains if they swing freely. The old Arrow trains have them, the Vekoma ripoff trains have them, and the brand spanking new Vekoma suspended trains they put on the thing at Bobbejaanland land have two shocks for two riders as opposed to four on the older four rider trains. If you really want to get technical on "generations" of Arrow suspended trains, the XLR-8 trains at Astroworld have the shocks too. I seriously doubt they allow free swinging, especially since in the attached picture below there is a varying amount of "silver" showing depending on how much the trains have kicked out, so the shocks are probably dampening the swinging.
Not having a free swinging train must be an integral part of the system, especially since the trains seem to stop swinging after hitting the brakes on POV's pretty quickly (when no lower guide rail is present). The one that seems to swing the most is that Eagle's Fortress thing on TPR's mounted POV. Even when looking at that video the banking isn't beyond 45 degrees much, and the banking completely lacks any rigidity.
Vortex POV:
I'm just saying the swinging motion may be more correct than you think, and you need to consider how the shocks respond to abrupt unbankings and such. From all the POV's I've seen the banking is pretty fluid and not super exact on the suspendeds. When you abruptly bank from 60 degrees to 0, go straight for 50ft, and then bank abruptly in the opposite direction the trains are probably responding oddly to that.
I'm not saying the trains are perfect in NL2, it's just that I think you guys need to take some things into consideration instead of immediately blaming all of your problems on the game before you blame yourself. The NL trains probably swing a bit too freely, but once again when you guys make transitions and bankings that don't exist in the real world and then compare it to the real world you're going to have issues.
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