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Someone stole my jetcoaster station on facebook.

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I think H?????????n Gia Ng????????? stole my Mamma's Rolling That Body coaster and added more railings to the catwalks and changed the land.

I can see the huge loop behind the station and my custom brakes that i made.
Last edited by cool5 on January 20th, 2014, 7:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Post January 20th, 2014, 8:11 pm
RideWarriorNation User avatar
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Sharing is caring. Plus he didn't say it was his, IMO you should be flattered he's using your ride for testing stuff, if you aren't already.

Post January 20th, 2014, 8:12 pm
TTD03 User avatar
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Figure out where you posted your Mamma's Rolling That Body coaster, check every day on the exchange of all the sites, when it gets posted, report the user.
They clearly got it from you, so they have to be a member of one of those sites.

Post January 20th, 2014, 8:39 pm

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RollerCoaster1234 apologized and said.

"no something happened i then the editor changed the color it still yours my bad"

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