I have just laid the track for a huge ride (over 11,000ft in length) and have yet to tweak it a lot before it become comfortable etc, but added transport sections brakes and a station just to get a feel of where its going.
But - for some strange reason the station does not work in that the returning train is braked and always stops not aligned with the entry gates, and as such the harness does not release, nor barriers work. The train just stops and nothing further happens.
I have deleted the station and reinserted it, no change. The approach speed is about 31mph, it was higher (at first) then the train shot through and carried on - not unexpected.
I have to add this is an off-the-shelf station no mods except for the wait time.
In desperation I altered the braking g force and reduced it, effect is to slow the train slower and it stops well past the gates.
What seems to be missing (watching other stations in other tracks I have made) is that the braking system does not exhibit that feedback that ensures a wide variety of entry speeds all result in the train coming to rest aligned exactly with the gates. The station I have shows no sign of that feedback.
Any ideas? I've tried all I can. All other tracks perform as expected so its got to be something peculiar to this track. Length? is the only major difference I can think of.