I have been messing around with terragen for a while now but i still cant figure out how to get the terrain i have made, mountains, etc into a coaster. if the previous comment want crystal clear, then, how to export terrain onto a coasters terra-data? Maybe someone could give me a step by step procedure on how to make the terrain and put it onto a coaster.-thanx[:)]
we have an article waiting to be approved, it should be approved later today in which we, rather said, GFA gives detailed info with pictures in an article on how to make environments in terragen. Just hang tight as he'll reply once the article is finalized and it'll be posted at the articles sec tion for everyone to view.
You should take the time for it because it's a long one but it will teach you making a skybox for NL from scatch [:)] Good luck with it and let me know if you have any questions.