I am and basically always have been a Mac user, so for a really long time there were few (really none) NL tools that were readily available to us without a lot of effort. Neither Bootcamp nor Parallels were worth the trouble just to use Newton 2 when I'd have to purchase a new NL copy to run on a PC and might not have enjoyed building with Newton anyway. I also couldn't get any of it to work through Wine.
As an aside, I did finally download FVD ++ only a few months before the release of NL2, but never really dug into it. I may do so more now that I have been fooling around with NL2's FVD.
Anyway, I did finally go with bootcamp and am running NL2 BEAUTIFULLY on my Mac so I'm a happy camper. I've always been a hand-builder mostly because that was my only option, but I've been having a good time fooling around with the FVD.
I realize that the "best" way to use the built-in FVD is a completely subjective question so I'm just looking for opinions: those of you that are using it, how are you going about building your tracks? Do you design some parts by hand and use the FVD for complicated elements? Do you basically build a station and do the rest by FVD? Etc. There's no right answer but being so new to FVD as a whole I would love to hear your thoughts on this, especially because as I understand it, the built in FVD does not really use the same system as Newton or FVD++.