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True Or False?

yes, it's possible
no, it's not possible
I'm a loser!
Total votes : 33

Post August 13th, 2003, 12:06 am

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I'm over at my friend's house right now and his bro says that is impossible for TTD to go over the hill and (by the slightest thing goin wrong) suddenly stop, perfectly balanced, at the top.

Post August 13th, 2003, 12:07 am

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Post August 13th, 2003, 12:09 am

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why do you think that there is a walkway and an elevator up there?????

Post August 13th, 2003, 12:10 am
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it is possible, to launch it at x speed vs certain weight and have it actually get stuck at the top, but how likely is this? like 1 in 10 million, it's only a matter of weight, wind resistance, and speed to match up perfectly to have that possible, but it is very unlikely yet the possibility does exist. In a controlled environment where you control the air, that is not have wind, and you control the speed ad weight it has, you can make it stop at the top [:)] othewise why do you think they would put stairs and elevator to get up there? [lol]

Post August 13th, 2003, 12:10 am

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I really doubt it could happen. If so, it will be a once in a lifetime event.

Post August 13th, 2003, 12:25 am

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if it did get stuck all the riders could just move their arms together and that would proly unstuck it[lol]

Post August 13th, 2003, 12:26 am

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I agree with WWS except for trying to understand the complicated math he way saying.

Post August 13th, 2003, 6:29 am

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I also agree with WWS, I have heard of it not making and making it over, so there must be a way it could just stop at the top[dunno].

Post August 13th, 2003, 9:09 am

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Originally posted by whitewolf2759

if it did get stuck all the riders could just move their arms together and that would proly unstuck it[lol]

What would happen if they went backwards? is there any brakes to stop it going back in to the station?

Post August 13th, 2003, 10:30 am

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Yep. It's happened before. Someone posted a link on one of the message boards a few weeks ago showing that very thing happening on TTD. It's called a rollback. There are brakes on the top hat that prevent the train from gaining too much speed when it falls backward.

Post August 13th, 2003, 10:59 am

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Originally posted by IntaminFan397

I agree with WWS except for trying to understand the complicated math he way saying.

he means "x" is the varibal speed which isnt known right now. Then you factor the weihgt and wind resistnace and then you can find out the circumstances to make this happeen.

Post August 13th, 2003, 12:06 pm

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it is definitely possible, given that it would have to be at a perfect velocity, and it would have to be exactly at the top of the arch, with friction holding the trains in place. However, this will never actually happen in real life. it's just a possibility.

Post August 13th, 2003, 2:52 pm

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of course it is possible. you just need to work out the right speed and the weight of the train against the height of the hill, the incline of the hill, the force of gravity, and winds speed and behaviour.

Post August 13th, 2003, 4:19 pm

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it cud happen but i bet the designers at CP thought of that problem and i bet they designed it not to do that. plus its not like the train barely makes the top hat. it at least goes 10 mph or more. if the cable launching the train malfunctioned and it didnt go as fast then it cud happen but no way it cud just sit up there. this was said by him, "his bro says that is impossible for TTD to go over the hill ." his bro is a retarded punk as* kid that does not know anything and shud think more before he talks crap.

Post August 13th, 2003, 5:00 pm

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The way that top hat was designed and where TTD seats, it's not possible for TTD to get stuck. Cedar Point is surrounded on 3 & 1/2 sides by Lake Erie(one of the great lakes for those who don't know), and TTD is 420ft tall, so there will always be unstable air movement no matter what day you go on. It can 'stop' at the top, but the slightest move or breeze can send the train forwards or backwards, this is due to the design of the top hat. It will never get stuck and stay stuck. However if a simalar ride was built indoors, with no wind factor and no one on the train, then it could be possible, but the odds are very slim to none.

BTW, the reason for the catwalks and elevator is so they can do maintance on TTD. 420ft is alot of stairs to climb you know, ;) It's like any other coaster at CP, they do daily/weekly/monthly inpections of all track sections. A 450ft crane with a bucket isn't an easy thing to move around thru the park every morning, ;)

Post August 13th, 2003, 7:13 pm

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it has happened before. go to guidetothepoint and read all about it.

Post August 13th, 2003, 7:17 pm

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Post August 13th, 2003, 9:14 pm

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i have seen a video of it happening. you see something at the top, the elevator go up, and then the thing is gone.

Post August 13th, 2003, 10:18 pm

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Location: Brookpark, OH, OH, USA

It has been known for awhile now that TTD will pause for a few seconds at the top, but will make it's way forwards or backwards. TTD has never gotten complatly stuck at the top.

Post August 14th, 2003, 11:44 am

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I think I said this in another thread, the TTD did indeed get stuck at the top once, when they were testing it, I saw it and I have it on home video, they waited 15 minutes or so to see if a breeze could bring it down, but nothing, so then they sent 2 guys up in an elevator and they just pushed it forward. Pretty cool to watch. They kept on changing the weight, speed, etc and each time they launched the ride it would get closer and closer to the top.....then it gets stuck. :P After that it was fine though.

Post August 17th, 2003, 10:13 am

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Like lots have said, if wind, weight, and velocity are right, it will.

The brakes at the top prolly wont help. I think it has, like the rest of the coasters that are only ment to go forward, an anti-rollback system in the weels that will hold it still instead of crashing the ppl and train behind it.

Post August 18th, 2003, 10:55 am

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Like wws said, if the conditions are right it can happen, but it's a very small chance. It happened on many rides before.

Post August 18th, 2003, 1:28 pm

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Post August 19th, 2003, 10:28 pm
Oscar User avatar
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Originally posted by INS4N3_thefirst

it cud happen but i bet the designers at CP thought of that problem and i bet they designed it not to do that. plus its not like the train barely makes the top hat. it at least goes 10 mph or more. if the cable launching the train malfunctioned and it didnt go as fast then it cud happen but no way it cud just sit up there. this was said by him, "his bro says that is impossible for TTD to go over the hill ." his bro is a retarded punk as* kid that does not know anything and shud think more before he talks crap.

watch that mouth [lol]

Post October 2nd, 2003, 10:35 am

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i think its definitley possible i mean it is a rollercoaster and rollercoasters have gotten stuck on te top of loops right? So y not on the top of TTD?

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