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Join the CC Crew

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Post March 5th, 2014, 9:21 pm
Tetsu Premium Member
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We the staff of are trying many new ways to get new members involved and keep old members around. Thus why we started the YouTube, Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, ect. pages. Since we like to have fun playing some theme park games/simulators what about something a little different? Ever since Max Payne 3 came out the gaming company known as Rockstar (R*) has started a "Crew" feature. Well, now the Grand Theft Auto 5 and GTA Online has come out we have seen this crew feature expanding greatly.

I figure that we can release the crew now to the CoasterCrazy public. The link will be posted at the end of this post. Keep in mind that only 1000 members are aloud in a "crew" unless R* changed that rule again. Feel free to join the crew weather your on an Xbox360/1 or PS3/4 as the crew can cross those boundaries. Have fun and lets help further the destruction of Los Santos and future R* games.

Link the the "Crew" -

Have fun!

Post March 6th, 2014, 2:30 am

Posts: 1192
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Location: Poway, CA, USA

spacepunk619 on r social
"if you found your laughin' place, how come you ain't laughin'."

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