Good news! Just got my new computer assembled and I'm set up with NL2/SketchUp - finally - did some work on the scene for my Intamin wooden coaster Lazarus this weekend, and no promises but I'm looking to have a couple screenies ready for screenshot Saturday. I redid the background wooden coaster I may have shown here, both to improve the layout a bit and to make it an actual coaster instead of 3ds like it was in NL1. It just needs banking now.
Also made some improvements to the scenery to take advantage of some features in NL2...really excited about that. Nothing too crazy, just a clever way to play with lighting that I learned from someone's construction thread. He didn't really flesh the idea out for the final release, but I will be and it should have a nice, unique effect.
The wooden coasters are autosupported for now as it's still a work in progress. Looking forward to showing you guys