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[NL2] Intamin Accelerator Coaster [Unnamed]

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mkingy User avatar

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This ride comes from my imagination of what Rita at Alton Towers or Desert Race at Heide Park could have been (money and height restriction aside)!

Now looking for testers whilst I work on 3DS some more.

Unnamed - Mkingy
Last edited by mkingy on February 9th, 2015, 2:10 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Location: Illinois, USA ... rita04.jpg

Looks nice so far. Should be able to make some nice headchoppers in the second pic that are actually supposed to be there instead of something "forced".
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mkingy User avatar

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Thanks! Yeah I'm intending to leave that section fairly open scenery wise so definite headchoppers!

That picture must be fake though - its never that sunny in the middle of England!
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mkingy wrote:
That picture must be fake though - its never that sunny in the middle of England!


I saw the sun once! It was a Friday, and it was just for a moment, but I saw it!

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Some terrain update!

Got through a big chunk of the terrain work so it's mostly where I'd like it to be at.

Did some tweaking on the first turn and airtime hill to make it ride better - and subsequently realised how much the rest of the ride needs tweaking - for another update though!

Started work on some basic modular 3DS queue line fences and other misc stuff which should turn about fairly robust in terms of using for all rides (will be released as separate 3DS files hopefully)

090414 overveiw.png
Overveiw of the ride

090414 main layout.png
Main Layout of the Ride

090414 first turn.png
First turn out the launch

090414 airtime hill.png
Twisted Airtime Hill

090414 entrace to immelman.png
Entry through the trench into the Inversion

basic modular queeue items 090414.png
Basic Modular Queue Items
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Is it too late to work on the ending a bit? For some reason I'm not feeling the 2 overbanks type turns in a row to end the ride. You only have one airtime moment in the s-hill. What about another s-hill after the first overbank or maybe a straight airtime hill after it, then another turn back towards the brakes which would give you room for one final element. Just a suggestion that I think would add a ton to your ride with keeping the length pretty similar.

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If I'm right those 2 overbanks are the begining of the ride before I goes into the immelmen,
What are these for?

mkingy User avatar

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It's definitely not too late to add to the ride! I'll look into both those ideas and had another thought about bringing the ride back over the station and maybe something interesting in the ride area.

The ride has a low turn into immelmen after the S-hill and then comes back round into the double overbank - the pictures are a bit misleading especially as they aren't any supports! Thanks for the comments though I'll look into what I might do there.
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mkingy User avatar

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Update on the final section - tried a few different variations but this is the best I've come up with at the moment.

Quick airtime hill followed by a tunneled turn under the immelman which rises over the launch and into the brakes! The terrain needs some work but more concerned about the trackwork at the moment!


Ending View 001

Ending View 002

Ending View 003
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Unrelated but I am not loving the track color too much...
Like the trackwork though.

mkingy User avatar

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Hmm I doubt I'll completely change it - although I agree it needs tweaking somewhat. I'll have a play around once I've got the trackwork and terrain somewhat fixed! Thanks though!
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It is looking nice. Reminds me of Rita, but with longer layout. Isn't the hill a bit big? Anyway, the shaping looks good and the terrain looks realistic. Loving the idea of the modular 3ds. Maybe you could release it as a set, for those who doesn't know how to use a modelling program.

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mkingy wrote:
Hmm I doubt I'll completely change it - although I agree it needs tweaking somewhat. I'll have a play around once I've got the trackwork and terrain somewhat fixed! Thanks though!

Yea, doesn't need much changing, just a tad :)

mkingy User avatar

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Cheers guys, yeah I'm definitely planning to release a 3DS pack for public use!

As for the hill it's bigger than rita's I think, but it pulls decent G-forces so I think it's arguably tighter than it should be - it rides alright for the moment but I might revisit that when I've got the final section into decent shape!
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I like the idea of sharing the modular scenery-set VERY much! Something like that is really usefull and appreciated :D

I also like the landscaping of your project so far! Looks nice! With new colors (as mentioned) i think this will be a great experience!

Keep up the good work! =)

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Thanks for the comments Magu :) I think I'm gonna concentrate on getting some basic modular things out before coming back to finish this ride off (distractions are always good for motivation!)

Current list of 3DS I hope to release initially:
Handrails + Larger Chainlink Fence
Queue Line Cover Stucture
Ride Signage
-Over queue
-Standard 2m high sign
-Sign for information
-Ride exit sign
Photo Booth + Cameras
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Looking awesome! Nice track work :)

I've always had this little irritation, and it could just be me, but I feel like the ties on the Intamin track in NL2 aren't frequent enough, it makes the track look thin and odd.

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The modular set idea will be really appreciated. BTW, can you tell more about that sign? I'm curious, as signs are usually custom. Is it like the signs in RCT3? I mean, you change the texture for the one you want?

mkingy User avatar

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Thanks guys! Dapalm, yeah that's how they will be. The tall sign will be the right sort of shape for an information board, and the other two should be large enough for direction signs/ ride logos. Signs are easy to make so I guess a variety of shapes and sizes wouldn't be too much time or effort!
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Like spinning signs? Give me an example :) Remember needs to be pretty generic!
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^ That along with that one Air recreation are two things I am very much looking forward to.
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Coasterkidmwm wrote:
4 G's to the taint was a bit much for me because I'm not a power bottom like Turbo


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