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Plantoris Park(mega project)

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Post April 3rd, 2014, 12:58 am

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spending a lot of time on this park and its looking choice!

I have 2 coasters so far and would like one more and have not decided on what. any suggestions are helpful.

Zeus is a hyper coaster built by Chance Morgan. It reaches 270 feet high and speeds up to 84 mph.

Sea Serpent is a launched coaster (blitz maybe even)that terrorizes the lake at the park.

I still have a lot of space open and need more rides
Last edited by plantoris on April 30th, 2014, 11:12 am, edited 1 time in total.

Post April 3rd, 2014, 1:42 am

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Valley Fair inspired? lol. looks pretty neat. can't wait to see the rest.
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Post April 3rd, 2014, 4:46 am

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Every coaster is so large it would be pretty hard to walk from side to side! Worth touring around! Chance Morgan always looks awesome because of the amount of beams and supports! :D
-- I was happy to be with NL1. --

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"500" perhaps by the end of this year.
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Post April 8th, 2014, 8:18 pm

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I have added many things to my park and will post some pics later. I need a few thing for my park that I just cannot do. the main thing I need is a building for the entrance to my park. nothing too fancy just something to give the general idea. also I would like a couple more flat rides. I don't know how to do 3d model stuff, I tried, I failed, I almost ate my face. So if anyone would be willing to help me out I would give full credit for the work and be your best friend too.

here is the space you have to work and it is fairly open to do whatever you want.



I have added a wild mouse coaster and an arrow corkscrew coaster as well as scenery and terrain improvements.
as I said I will post more pics very soon.

Post April 10th, 2014, 3:53 am

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ok people here are the long awaited pictures that it seems nobody cares about

I made a little Tilt a Whirl ride that doesn't work but it looks cool. if any one knows a way to script it to go around slowly and stop periodically, that would be awesome.

so I decided to ad two smaller coasters having two beasts already. first I figured every park NEEDS a wild mouse coaster and I have a real good feeling about how mine is going.

then I added a small arrow corkscrew coaster. I like cheese. belly buttons are weird.

and lastly I moved the power tower to its permanent home and added queue lines and stuff so here is the view of most of the park from the top of the 300 ft power tower.

again if anyone can make me a nice 3d park entrance (ticket booths, turnstiles, etc..)that would be awesome. any ideas on how to fill the few spaces left would help to :) I was thinking about a shuttle ;)

Post April 10th, 2014, 7:18 am
Coasterkidmwm User avatar
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Don't beat yourself up Plantoris. Sometimes things slip through the cracks.

Anyways the Morgan coaster looks like you maybe made the hills a bit steep, but I could instantaneously tell you were making a Morgan coaster and that's a very good sign. What I mentioned about the hill steepness is not a big deal at all. If they make more new stuff like Lightning Run I'll be wrong anyways soon lol.

Wild mouse looks really excellent. As far as the Arrow style mice go, the track and support combo are dead on.

Your intamin needs more supports I think.

The arrow/vekoma looks a bit smooth, but you can just blame that on it being a newer one like the one at Dollywood.

Looks like a fine park. I would really just add more supports to the Intamin as it's lacking in density and lateral bracing.
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Post April 10th, 2014, 8:19 am

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It's not that no one cares about it, it's just that the forums are really quiet. I have to agree with Coasterkid, the camelbacks on the Morgan look too steep for the style of coaster you are going for. As for everything else, I'm liking how it's coming along.

Post April 10th, 2014, 9:59 am

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plantoris wrote:
I made a little Tilt a Whirl ride that doesn't work but it looks cool. if any one knows a way to script it to go around slowly and stop periodically, that would be awesome.

That's easy. Make the whole track a transport section. Turn the transports on. Wait a certain amount of time. Turn transports off. Wait a certain amount of time. Goto 10.

EDIT: Now that I think harder about it, you may need to make the track a bunch of little transport sections so you have enough blocks for that many trains.

Post April 10th, 2014, 10:50 am

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^It's not even that as that, since the trains won't move from a block till the next one is free causing it to start and stop a lot.

I guess a way you could get it to work is after making the circle, place station and brake blocks one after the other, then set it so that all the coaster trains (or cars since they are only 1 car per train) are in each station, then changing the station passes to something much higher. Something like this:

(red circles are where the cars starting position would be)
All sections would have to be the exact same length.

I'm not at home right now and can't test this, So I'm not entirely sure this would actually work, but it's worth a shot.

Post April 10th, 2014, 11:22 am

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Location: Virginia, USA
Projektion wrote:
^It's not even that as that, since the trains won't move from a block till the next one is free causing it to start and stop a lot.

My way would require it to be in scripted mode, they won't automatically stop for a block with a train on it, but without plenty of blocks it would throw up a warning. Your way may work without scripting, though, with a decently high "pass through station" setting.

Projektion wrote:
All sections would have to be the exact same length.

Just to clarify, each section doesn't have to be same length. Each station has to be same length, and each transport has to be same length, but station and transport sections could be different lengths.

Post April 10th, 2014, 2:07 pm

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BoboMunkee wrote:

Projektion wrote:
All sections would have to be the exact same length.

Just to clarify, each section doesn't have to be same length. Each station has to be same length, and each transport has to be same length, but station and transport sections could be different lengths.

Just as long as it's longer than the coaster car so you don't get (multiple trains on same block" errors.

Post April 10th, 2014, 6:21 pm

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I'm not good at scripting because I have never tried it but I'm sure it would be as simple as having as many stations as cars then scripting it so that each car is on a counter to its own station, and having it return false at the station before its own so it stop at its own?
What are these for?

Post April 10th, 2014, 7:40 pm

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Location: Virginia, USA
CKidd wrote:
I'm not good at scripting because I have never tried it but I'm sure it would be as simple as having as many stations as cars then scripting it so that each car is on a counter to its own station, and having it return false at the station before its own so it stop at its own?

That's more complicated than it needs to be. If you are going to script it, my way just needs a timer to turn it on and off. Since the stations aren't visible we don't care if it stops at the exact right point, although for realism it should probably ensure that it stops with each car at a dip.

Projektion's way (which is actually the better way) avoids scripts and uses the internal counter you can set for how many stations to pass through before stopping. This is doing what you are suggesting, but the software already does it for you.

Post April 10th, 2014, 8:19 pm

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Location: pennsylvania, USA
I thought that only worked with shuttle mode but I have never had any reason to try, I was thinking for realism sake it would be better if each car was at a station because then the lap bars would open and close, but again I know nothing about scripting
What are these for?

Post April 10th, 2014, 8:22 pm

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BoboMunkee wrote:
CKidd wrote:
I'm not good at scripting because I have never tried it but I'm sure it would be as simple as having as many stations as cars then scripting it so that each car is on a counter to its own station, and having it return false at the station before its own so it stop at its own?

That's more complicated than it needs to be. If you are going to script it, my way just needs a timer to turn it on and off. Since the stations aren't visible we don't care if it stops at the exact right point, although for realism it should probably ensure that it stops with each car at a dip.

Projektion's way (which is actually the better way) avoids scripts and uses the internal counter you can set for how many stations to pass through before stopping. This is doing what you are suggesting, but the software already does it for you.

that's kind of what I was thinking just have it go around for 20-30 sec then stop for 20-30 sec that's all it needs to be. I just have no idea how to script.
(if there is a nice scripting tutorial for beginners and its fairly easy to get the hang of, please point me in the right direction.)
I cant get it to work by raising the station passes it needs to be in shuttle mode and then I can only have 1 car.
and ya I didn't think about the lap bars and stuff.

Post April 10th, 2014, 9:23 pm

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Location: Virginia, USA
plantoris wrote:
BoboMunkee wrote:
CKidd wrote:
that's kind of what I was thinking just have it go around for 20-30 sec then stop for 20-30 sec that's all it needs to be. I just have no idea how to script.
(if there is a nice scripting tutorial for beginners and its fairly easy to get the hang of, please point me in the right direction.)
I cant get it to work by raising the station passes it needs to be in shuttle mode and then I can only have 1 car.
and ya I didn't think about the lap bars and stuff.

Yeah, I don't work in shuttle mode, so I didn't know the restrictions involved. I don't know of a beginners scripting tutorial, but give me a little bit to play around and see what I can come up with. It won't be a hard script to write just to get it to stop and start. Actual loading procedures will be much, much more complicated.

Post April 11th, 2014, 12:29 am

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Location: Virginia, USA
Grrrrrr..... shakes fist. After about 2 hours playing around with scripts for this, I went back to the editor to try something, because I knew something you guys said didn't sound right to me.

You CAN do this without scripting. You CAN pass through stations in circuit mode. It takes 3 blocks for every train you have, but it's still a damn shake easier than scripting. I know it can be done, because I'm watching my coaster do it as I type this.

Here is how you do it:
- For every train you have you need a station, then 2 block brake sections with transports on (it does not work with only 1 brake section between the stations). Make sure you have the brake speed limit set high enough so it gets ignored. Try to have your segments close to the same length, it doesn't have to be exact, but close.

- Set every station to the same number of passes. (I have 6 cars on mine and it is set to 17 passes, for a total of 3 laps each train) Also reduce the random time wait for loading procedures. Or just have each station synchronized to leave with the others. Either way, you need the trains leaving very close to the same time or they will stop and wait for the block to clear.

Freeze your coaster, save your park, and play.

Post April 11th, 2014, 7:19 am
TTD03 User avatar
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Post April 11th, 2014, 4:34 pm

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I got it to work but you have to make sure you put the stations either on top of the hill or at the bottom, otherwise if one starts on the uphill it will accelerate slower and end in a crash. took me a while before I figured that out. but ya thanks guys its looking good. now I just need someone to make me a park entrance. :)

Post April 24th, 2014, 11:15 pm

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another update,
-I have found a permanent place for the Tilt a Whirl, and added queue's and surrounding scenery.
(also tweaked some technical issues resulting in less errors)
-built a new gondola attraction, queue's and surroundings.
-added some lateral supports to Sea Serpent as suggested.
-touched up some terrain detailing.

the gondola turned out looking nice I think. it takes riders from the front gate to the back of the park.

and the new tilt a whirl spot

please I still new help with making a main gate for sure, and maybe some food/game stalls. If anyone would help I am willing to offer exclusive early access to my park :D

Post April 25th, 2014, 1:45 am

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I honestly have to admit since NL2 came out you have really improved. This is 100 times better looking than your last NL1 ride. I really like the innovation using the coasters as flat rides too
What are these for?

Post April 25th, 2014, 2:24 am
mkingy User avatar

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Yeah agreed with CKidd! Good work :) I'd like to offer to help but depends on your timescale cause my free time seems to be greatly diminished at the moment!
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Post April 25th, 2014, 2:59 am

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I LOVE the gondola! Such a great idea. Simple, yet effective, I'm in awe. ;)

Post April 25th, 2014, 6:32 am
TTD03 User avatar
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CKidd wrote:
I honestly have to admit since NL2 came out you have really improved. This is 100 times better looking than your last NL1 ride. I really like the innovation using the coasters as flat rides too

Glad I wasn't the only one thinking that, you definitely have improved so much in the last 3 months :D

Post April 25th, 2014, 7:40 am
Coasterkidmwm User avatar
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I'm continually impressed with the improvised flats and stuff people come up with
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