ok people here are the long awaited pictures that it seems nobody cares about
I made a little Tilt a Whirl ride that doesn't work but it looks cool. if any one knows a way to script it to go around slowly and stop periodically, that would be awesome.

so I decided to ad two smaller coasters having two beasts already. first I figured every park NEEDS a wild mouse coaster and I have a real good feeling about how mine is going.

then I added a small arrow corkscrew coaster. I like cheese. belly buttons are weird.

and lastly I moved the power tower to its permanent home and added queue lines and stuff so here is the view of most of the park from the top of the 300 ft power tower.

again if anyone can make me a nice 3d park entrance (ticket booths, turnstiles, etc..)that would be awesome. any ideas on how to fill the few spaces left would help to

I was thinking about a shuttle