Firefly NL2 Edition like previous ports will have several improvements as well as changes to keep it fresh. This time there haven't been any major changes to the ride layout but the 3D model has been slimmed down tremendously...It's been separated into three objects and the tunnels (both below the station and 2nd launch) have been removed and replaced with NL2 landscaping/tunnels. I haven't decided on this yet but I may setup a load/unload station to fit NL2's block system better.....If someone can help me with possibly setting up the "maverick script" I'd really appreciate it.
Keep in mind that this coaster remains a fantasy style....I originally described it as a rule-breaker and ridiculous. So don't down-rate me on the fact it's not realistic at all.
List of changes so far:
*Lot more landscaping similar to what you saw in Apocalypse NL2
*The Queue has been completely re-done
*Exit has been moved
*Custom station has been raised and edited to accommodate the new landscape
*A Queue house building has been added
*The sharp curve leading into the second launch has been fixed
*....and more to come as I find and fix the issues!