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Unnamed Intamin Coaster Project [UPLOADED: PUMA]

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This is my second NoLimits2 coaster project that i'm doing. I'm taking a lot more time with this one unlike my first project that i kinda threw together just to get something out there. Anyway, my original idea was an intamin coaster kinda like cheetah hunt crossed with maverick (How original, right?) and this is what I've got so far. It's incomplete so i'm looking for ideas for the rest of the ride, along with any other kinda of feed back. Shaping? Color Scheme? Terrain? Etc. etc.




here you can kinda see where it leaves off

that gives a better look of where it cuts off


So yeah any ideas or feed back is welcome... could really use it.
Last edited by rtrudy on May 17th, 2014, 9:13 pm, edited 2 times in total.

Post March 14th, 2014, 7:00 am
mkingy User avatar

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The transition on the left had side of the 4th picture looks fairly tight and I imagine its taken at pace. It might just be the angle of the picture however.

The "more loop than dive" diveloop also looks as if there will be significant lateral hangtime, or perhaps there is a lot of hangtime a the top of the element.

The terrain stuff and how your developing it is really good - I'm looking forward to it seeing how you take this forward!
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Post March 14th, 2014, 8:08 am
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Pretzel looks cool as well as the terrain editing. I think you will a have a nice track once you are done,
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Paradox wrote:
No need to tell Oscar about the problems. He is magic.

Post March 14th, 2014, 11:59 am

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mkingy wrote:
The transition on the left had side of the 4th picture looks fairly tight and I imagine its taken at pace. It might just be the angle of the picture however.

The "more loop than dive" diveloop also looks as if there will be significant lateral hangtime, or perhaps there is a lot of hangtime a the top of the element.

The terrain stuff and how your developing it is really good - I'm looking forward to it seeing how you take this forward!

The transition is pretty smooth and checks out with the lateral Gs. The dive loop has been troubling me too...again it checks out G force wise but the shaping and roll isnt quite fluid... the vertical Gs are at about zero at the peak of the loop too. Would it be best to adjust the roll or tighten the loop?

Post March 14th, 2014, 12:06 pm
mkingy User avatar

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Fair enough on the turn - although G's don't always tell the full story (lateral G's depend on where they are taken - your head and toes feel more lateral G's through a rotation) If its smooth it should be alright looking at it!

Intamin don't really do dive loops to my immediate knowledge so I think it's much to do with making sure that it rides well. Perhaps tighten the entry to the dive loop similar to a B&M? Like I said if you make sure it rides well I personally would put it down as an innovative element rather than poor shaping in this case!
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Post March 14th, 2014, 12:28 pm

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yeahh i dont think its an intamin thing and it is awkwardly shaped depending on where you look at it from but ill keep the ride-ability factor in mind... the element flows good from the previous one so why not?

Post March 14th, 2014, 7:20 pm

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When I think of intamin dive loops and immelmans, I like to thing of the norwegian loop withs its pieces seperated. Similar to how you have the first dive loop.
What are these for?

Post March 14th, 2014, 7:29 pm
mkingy User avatar

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rtrudy wrote:
the element flows good from the previous one so why not?

Yeah that's fair enough in my books to be honest. I like rollercoasters to ride well rather than be totally strict to the style - Ckidd's point is a good one though!
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Post March 14th, 2014, 11:17 pm

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CKidd wrote:
When I think of intamin dive loops and immelmans, I like to thing of the norwegian loop withs its pieces seperated. Similar to how you have the first dive loop.

yes, the original idea was that kind of loop but i got half way done an decided i wanted to finish it off differently

Post April 19th, 2014, 10:37 am

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Almost finished... only need to support one more turn and then supports are complete. I still might play around with the terrain till i get it to where i like it. Planning on doing custom railing for waiting lines and such if i can figure something out. I had a hard time coming up with an ending for this ride but i think i came up with something unique. Let me know what you guys think.

Also still needs a name..... ideas?

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Oh yeah...and also thoughts about the colors? Im not a fan of them right now but i don't know what to do... help

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Colors? I think they go best with this national park like area! You don't have to change them at all. I rather like yours! I saw the whole layout and it's way different from what I saw last, before supports were added! :)
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mkingy User avatar

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I like the track colours of the track and supports - nothing wrong with them at all! Just not a massive fan of black coaster cars!

Layout looks good too - only comment I really have to make is I'd make that rock texture on the 1st pick a bit more rock and less snow looking :)
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and if anyone could recommend a good set up for making rock in the terrain... ive tried a lot of different things but i cant find a set up i like

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Excellent environment you've set up there. Ride looks great keep it up.
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Just uploaded... go check it out and drop me a comment.

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