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2014 CCNL2T [Results Page 6]

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Post April 25th, 2014, 1:13 pm
hyyyper User avatar
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Hey everybody,

It's time to kick off the 2014 NL2 Tournament. The tournament is open for everybody on CoasterCrazy. Signing up is not necessary, just make sure you upload your track before the deadline!

So, how does this work?

Well, round 1 starts now. Everybody has until the deadline to submit a coaster that has to be build on the template I have upload and the ride must comply with the rules stated below. Once the deadline has passed, I will review and rate all the coasters and a winner will be declared. If there are a lot of submissions, additional rounds will be added.

Please note that this is an No Limits 2 - tournament. If a lot of you are still playing NL1 and are interested in an NL1-only contest, let us know and we'll try to figure something out.

Now, some details about Round 1:

All tracks for round 1 must be uploaded before June 1st.

You can only upload once. Your first submission is your final submission.

Round 1 Rules
- Must build an inverted, flying or suspended coaster. Coaster must be single-tracked (no dueling/racing). Multiple stations are allowed.
- Length must be between 1000 and 1400 meters.
- All track and supports must be inside the support-made-rectangle when viewed in top view (unfrozen).
- The station building (frozen) must be inside the support-made-strip in the middle of the template.
- Track cannot go into the support-made-octagons on the template (unfrozen). Support can go in.
- Must feature at least 1 tunnel.
- Terrain can only be changed for making tunnels and/or trenches.
- There is no limit to: height, speed, train(s) configuration, amount of lifts/launches, inversions.

Download the template here: ... k_id=20264

Once the deadline has passed, I will start judging the rides. The most important aspect is how fun a ride is. This depends on the speed of the ride, interactions with other things (headchoppers, low to the ground, twistiness) and forces (airtime, positive vertical G??????s). Also the smoothness and realism of the ride are taken into account. By realism I do not mean that you cannot build anything that hasn??????t been done before, but if you build something new/original, it must buildable in real life. Supports should be realistic and the forces should be in check. All these things will be combined into one rating. The players who built the best tracks, advance to the next round.
Want to play?
- Download the template from the exchange
- Build your coaster
- Once you are finished, doublecheck the rules and upload your track to the exchange.
- Use the tag [NLT] in the track??????s name and also link to it in this topic.
- Al tracks must in BEFORE June 1st. Tracks uploaded ON May 1st will NOT be judged.

If there are any questions or unclear things about the rules, please post them in this topic.

Have fun!

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Before 1st of May? Wow, that's quick! Less than a week to actually design/build/finetune and upload the damn thing! (Are you sure it's is not a typo? xD )
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A couple of clarifications would be great. I can guess the answers, but always better not to assume...

Are both 2 and 4 seater inverts OK?

Are Vekoma Flying Dutchman's considered "flying" or "lay down"?

That's really it for now, but I'll edit if need me. I'm in!

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Dirk_Ermen wrote:
Before 1st of May? Wow, that's quick! Less than a week to actually design/build/finetune and upload the damn thing! (Are you sure it's is not a typo? xD )

Jah, that's supposed to be June 1st.

zacattack1104 wrote:
A couple of clarifications would be great. I can guess the answers, but always better not to assume...

Are both 2 and 4 seater inverts OK?

Are Vekoma Flying Dutchman's considered "flying" or "lay down"?

That's really it for now, but I'll edit if need me. I'm in!

Yes and yes. 2 and 4 seater inverts are allowed. Vekoma flyers are allowed as well.

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thank goodness that date was a typo, theres no way I would have gotten something done in 6 days with the week that lies ahead of me
What are these for?

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Yeah, also very happy the date was a typo. One more question... being that we can't "save as" in NL2, is it OK to download the template a few times in case we get into a project and decide to scrap it? I suppose we can always remove the coaster, too... but especially if terraforming has been done (at least for trenches and tunnels, as it says) then a fresh template would be better.

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I guess it's time to start competing again =D Very excited!

Post April 26th, 2014, 12:39 am
hyyyper User avatar
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PatrickCrowne wrote:
Can we theme the ride?

Yes, you than theme it. It will not guarantee a better score, but depending how good your theming interacts with the ride, it might raise your score a bit.

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Just today I found an easier way than just copying the park file if you think you might want to change the layout: import the coaster you have now into the template it's in so you have a copy of the coaster inside the template, and change one of the copies you made to your liking so you can revert back if you decide you liked the other one better, tho you'll probably have to change the name of one of them so you don't get confused.
And it's about time I make an Intamin invert layout. Haven't finished one since my early n00b days.

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It doesn't look too inhibiting but the template sure has a way of being harder than it looks, particularly if you have a 4,000+ foot long track.

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Awesome I had an idea for a Vekoma Flyer so this is the perfect opportunity to give it a good go!

Out of interest will we be allowed to post screnshots / publicity for our rides?
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Post April 29th, 2014, 12:39 am
hyyyper User avatar
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PatrickCrowne wrote:
Can we Paint the Terrain? Add Trees? ect?

Yes to both.

mkingy wrote:
Awesome I had an idea for a Vekoma Flyer so this is the perfect opportunity to give it a good go!

Out of interest will we be allowed to post screnshots / publicity for our rides?

Yes that is allowed.

LuckyK wrote:
So suspended and flying. Can 4d count as well?

Suspended, inverting and flying only. 4D's are not allowed in this round.

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hyyyper User avatar
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Bouncypip11 wrote:
Are 3ds scenery files allowed(such as a custom station)

Yep, for sure. Just be careful, even if you replace the station with a 3ds, it still has to fit in the strip in the middle.

Btw, how are you guys all doing, anybody got anything to show us already?

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Good so far.
It's harder than it looks. I'll make a configuration that looks cool only to find that the track overlaps one of the holes slightly. I am kinda experimenting with a few different but similar designs with similar sequences of elements, and you'll find that mine is quite
Robb Alvey wrote:

I am a fan of conserving space as I see fit.
I guess a small preview couldn't hurt.

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^That looks awesome.

Having a ton fun! Some challenges have arisen of course, but all of them are mainly involved with running into the damn octagons haha. I have a few questions I should probably clarify earlier rather than later.

- All track and supports must be inside the support-made-rectangle when viewed in top view (unfrozen).

JUST to clarify, all boundary judgment will ultimately be done at the maximum (closest) zoom possible?

- The station building (frozen) must be inside the support-made-strip in the middle of the template.

Maybe a stupid question, erm, can we make our own station building 3D?

- Track cannot go into the support-made-octagons on the template (unfrozen). Support can go in.

Can frozen station building go into the octagons? I know you said nothing about that, so I'm assuming yes, but just checking.

- Must feature at least 1 tunnel.

Can it be an above ground floater tunnel? Like literally just a concrete ring of 1 inch, which is technically at least 1 "tunnel" according to segment settings? I mean this is arbitrary, does it have to be underground, certain length?

- Terrain can only be changed for making tunnels and/or trenches.

Again, this is seriously arbitrary AND subjective. How can you say what terrain modification was or wasn't done for making trenches? I could COMPLETELY change the form of the landscape in this file and say "I made a trench right there at the bottom of the drop, and I needed all of that land to change...."

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I'm doing a terrain hugging B&M flyer

Still lots of vegetation to do though

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Bouncypip11 wrote:
I'm doing a terrain hugging B&M flyer

Still lots of vegetation to do though

That's some very good looking track work! I am definitely looking forward to your submission.
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Paradox wrote:
No need to tell Oscar about the problems. He is magic.

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