ok update time people,
Added a lot more lights around the park for at night.
the Sea Serpent got its own light kit being the new hugely expensive coaster at this park.

Zeus had to get a little light being the big boy. the turnaround also got some light but is not shown.

Next, the corkscrew got a paint job. I went for more of a classic arrow paintjob but I think I need to tone the blue down a bit after looking at these pictures.

I made a open lot for up coming flat ride.

Also, I spent HOURS going through every single support and removed ALL polys I didn't need. This had a HUGE impact on the performance. in some places I have noticed a 10-15 FPS boost. I get low FPS at night with the lights around 15-25, but during the day with the lights off its no problem, seems to stay around 30-40. I also built a small out and back woodie next to the parking lot that I really liked. but as I suspected the FPS hit was way to hard so it is now debunked.
mkingy is working on some turnstiles and ticket booths for the entrance

and I am excited to see those.