Signs posted in April

Signs as of May 9

x Begin mini rant x
This really makes me angry, because they are going to release a statement saying it won't be opening until June because of harsh weather conditions.
Then i'm gonna be like, no, this isn't the weather's fault, this is your fault, you tried to save money and cut it close, now you failed, and now memorial day weekend at the park has nothing special for it. Hope you enjoy the lost revenue because of sad people who wanted to ride. Even worse, now Kingda Ka is going to be open even later because of this. Can't believe my first Strata coaster for the year is going to be on TTD, when a theme park with a strata coaster which is 450 miles closer to me than CP, will have been open for 39 operating days. Way to go six flags, way to go.
X End mini rant x