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-1.5G on Lightning Run, Really?

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Post May 27th, 2014, 12:02 pm

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I saw a video today that was a cross between a news story and sort of a promo that was actually a bunch of clips of ACE visiting KK for Lightning Run's opening day.

At a certain point of the video, there was a voiceover from Richard Chance, who I can only assume is head (or some high position) of Chance Rides.

During the voiceover, he's explaining some of the features of LR and at one point says, "We have 11 places in this track, and we go up to -1.5Gs going up to the top of the hills..."

He almost makes it sound like all of the airtime moments are -1.5Gs, which I'm sure isn't the case and it just got edited or he misspoke. However, could LR really reach -1.5 ANYWHERE?

I think maybe I'm a little incredulous because Chance Morgan is not known for it's crazy ejector air, but I realize this is a new breed of ride from them. Still, there's no doubt that -1.5G is (possibly) borderline uncomfortable, crazy ejector air.

So what do you think? Do you feel this could be accurate, or was he being hyperbolic for the sake of promotion?

Post May 27th, 2014, 12:14 pm

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-1.5g isn't really that crazy or anything. That's what an S&S Turbo Drop pulls, and that's sustained for a second or so. Some carnival rides are higher...I'm sure coming around the bottom of a Zipper upside down is at least -2.5 to -3, maybe higher.

Post May 27th, 2014, 12:18 pm
mkingy User avatar

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It (Chance Morgon) was formed on June 14, 2001 when Michael Chance, grandson of Chance Rides founder Richard H. Chance

El Toro has been reported (without citation mind) to hit around 1.5 negative G's. That -1.5 isn't going to be sustained for very long if it is the case!

Yeah Tyler I'd be interested in what some carnival rides pull. It's difficult to judge exact forces by yourself in any case.
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Post May 27th, 2014, 12:28 pm
coolbeans326 User avatar
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A lot of early reviewers who have been on this and comparable intamin mega-coaster models are favoring this ride. The airtime is just everywhere. They're especially fond of those hills at the end.

Post May 27th, 2014, 1:27 pm

Posts: 274
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Yep, it was that -1.5 G on El Toro that I've heard floating around that I based that comment on; SFGAdv is my home park.

Thanks cool, that's helpful.

Post May 27th, 2014, 2:31 pm
TTD03 User avatar
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Yea, judging by the video it is possible, but not for a very long period of time,

Post May 27th, 2014, 3:25 pm

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I believe it completely. The POV clearly shows some intense hills. It's not unusual, as some have stated. Maverick hits -1.6 I think. Also Skyrush feels like you hit -3 so it's probably fine.

Post May 27th, 2014, 5:08 pm
TTD03 User avatar
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Lol, old I-305 before modification and trims felt like -3 as well.

Post May 28th, 2014, 7:33 am

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People seem to be forgetting that this was not designed by chance, but by ride centerline, the same group that designs the layout of rmc coasters. - 1.5 is intense but believable

Post May 28th, 2014, 9:13 am

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TTD03, old I-305 = new I-305 though...? Didn't they just replace the trims in the original spot? Did they add some? I haven't heard any reports of extra trims on that one hill.

EDIT: or are you referring to the second hill? I can't see that being too different in its current state. I've ridden the newest version, it was strong but didn't seem as extreme as say El Toro or Skyrush. With that said, my perception could have been affected by the force distribution on the restraints and the heavy positives before the hill.

Post May 28th, 2014, 10:37 am

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^no that second hill is at least El Toro forcefulness

Post May 28th, 2014, 11:27 am

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It depends on which hill on El Toro you're referring to. I rode I-305 the first year too; I don't recall it ever being anything near as strong as the Rolling Thunder air hill on ET (if we're talking about El Toro's most intense point).

If you were referring to El Toro's second hill against I-305's second hill, maybe it's close, but even then I really don't remember it being as intense of an opener. TO BE FAIR each time I rode I was still pretty fuzzy from the pull-out and I only got on a few times that first year, but seriously, meh. Maybe ET just feels stronger to me due to the differences in restraints. Plus, wouldn't it stand to reason that I-305's second hill would have to be somewhat restrained in how low those negative forces really are, considering riders are coming from some pretty well sustained and pretty intense positive forces? Isn't there something about tempering that kind of huge change in a short period of time, especially when the forces are sustained?

And yes, I did forget LR was designed by Centerline.

Post May 28th, 2014, 12:06 pm
TTD03 User avatar
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I was fortunate to ride it before the trims and the first turn modification, I am talking about the airtime over the hill right after the first turn after the drop. Because of the first turn now going into the air earlier, it does affect the amount of airtime over that 2nd hill. It's not too significant, but I definitely remember the original was stronger, about as strong as the first or second airtime hill after el toro first drop. But nothing compares to the airtime hill in the back row over rolling thunder into the twisty turns. That is by far the best airtime in my opinion on any ride.

Post May 28th, 2014, 12:27 pm

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That spot that used to go over RT is pretty crazy, but I prefer the second airhill on Toro. Similar amount of force, way longer duration. I think it's great the same ride has both of those hills, because you really can't go wrong.

I only rode I305 after all modifications were complete, got in I think 12 rides over 2 days, but I feel like the slope entering that hill might be the reason more than just having raised track before it. The raised track means a bit slower speeds, which also means a bit less drag so theoretically (assuming no other variable changes) I believe the hill should be slightly faster now. I didn't think they messed with the pullover too much though. Dunno.

Post May 28th, 2014, 1:06 pm
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I can promise you, it doesn't go faster. Only a bit slower, cause it isn't hugging the ground for as long and it is losing speed because it goes up earlier. It's weird, but it kinda makes sense.

Post June 14th, 2014, 9:37 pm

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tiepilot35 wrote:
I believe it completely. The POV clearly shows some intense hills. It's not unusual, as some have stated. Maverick hits -1.6 I think. Also Skyrush feels like you hit -3 so it's probably fine.

Maverick's ejector hill feels just like El Toro's Rolling Thunder crossover hill, so it's probably right.

Post June 15th, 2014, 9:16 am
TTD03 User avatar
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^ Well, I would say it's forceful, but not as forceful as the El Toro/Rolling Thunder crossover hill. It's close but not quite. Especially if you are in the last row on El Toro.

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