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Valleyfair Recreation - Lookin' good!

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Post May 26th, 2014, 1:04 am

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Wild Thing

Wild Thing is Morgan Manufacturing's first coaster and is located at Valleyfair amusement park in Shakopee, Minnesota. Built in 1996 and standing 207 feet tall it was worlds 5th tallest coaster.
Wild Thing is also claimed to hold the record for longest sustained airtime of any coaster in the world over its 2nd hill. Wild Thing boastes everything you would expect from a Morgan hypercoaster, high speeds, large helixes, angular turns, and unmatched airtime.

i have been working on this on and off ever since i discovered NL1 and now in NL2. I am determined to end with a perfect recreation and will work until it is so. please keep in mind that this is a work in progress and not everything has been added in yet(station, scenery, Steel Venom). however i believe i am very close with the track and supports.

what do you think of the shaping?
comments are always welcome.




Last edited by plantoris on January 16th, 2017, 4:55 pm, edited 25 times in total.

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OK i got some pics of the real thing today to compare.
and i guess i didn't get as many as i thought but hey i was busy having fun.




i actually didn't even ride it today but i did make it on Renegade 4 times and Excalibur twice. all solo :(
wife says "someone has to wait with the kids". SURE, that's why you cant go.... not as fun alone.

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Can you take some NL editor screenshots in similar locations to your real pictures so we can compare? :)

Looks good though, I'm not great with critiquing recreations though hah.
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how do you take screenshots in the editor? or did you mean in the simulator?

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here you go. I skipped the first one cause my steel venom is still in rough draft.

the second pic was hard cause im recreating the pre-2014 wild thing so the tree in that pic was removed and a smaller sapling was put in its place(stupid). so I took 1 shot in the same spot and then another in front of the tree.

and the 3rd pic(perfect :D )


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In the first / second picture the entry to the turn seems almost too smooth. The track looks like it has a visable transition when it turns in - might be good to emulate that in your ride!

This might be the trackstyle throwing me off here, but is the banking on the upper track on the third picture right? It looks a bit overbanked to me, but I could easily be wrong here!
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Yea I see that in the first/2nd picture as well, the real ride doesn't have as much of a transition, its just more of a jerk and entry into the turn :P

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I did a little adjustment but the real one doesn't bump/jerk there. it does look like it but riding it its nice and smooth angling right into the curve.

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Your footers still intersect. I do not think the real ones do.

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They are supposed to be. That's how they are in real life some are round and some are square and some have 2 supports to 1 large footer.


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You footer still are too close together.


footers 2.jpg

Your I beam and track connecter over the antique cars is wrong also.

beam wrong.jpg

beam wrong 2.jpg

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where is that 2nd pic from? and ya I noticed the I-beam and fixed that, good eye.

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This is where it is.


Your end brake run did not activate on the first car of the front of the train resulting in high lats in the turn before the second final brake.

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how dare you unpack my coaster!!

I am fixing those noted issues and will release a V4.1 shortly
-cleaned up footings
-added transition at noted point
-fixed fence clearance

as for the ending break run issue I have not seen this how did you get it to happen? did you change the sim speed when it happened?

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No I did not. I opened the brake run settings and found them about like this.

brake run.jpg

brake run 2.jpg

Post May 29th, 2014, 10:05 pm

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I am not sure what you mean. I only get .3 lat G's around the corner. I don't want it to trigger on the first car, and I don't get why its not working for you.

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here you go guys, mostly for cool5. made changes to noted things. need more people to find things to fix then I can kick scenery into high gear. :)

**if someone wants to make a car skin and/or a station that would be awesomeness.**

V 4.1 update ... k_id=20205

-fixed supports/footings spacing
-fixed fence spacing
-reshape/add transition in figure 8
-added some terrain paint/scenery

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Done much more work on Wild Thing scenery as well as tweaked a few mechanics.
Update 5.0 coming soon
- Steel Venom v1.0
- Minnesota River Valley Railroad V0.5
- custom Morgan train cars by MGrids(still wrong color)
- added wires within support structure
- pole barns by MGrides
- built tunnel with supports
- added detailing such as cameras, break triggers/sensors, flagpoles
- reshaped turn into MCBR
- adjusted MCBR trigger and speed
- adjusted lift speed
- various terrain improvements

Wild Thing -

Steel Venom -

As i worked on the Minnesota River Valley Railroad I had a vision, as well as a request from another CC member, to recreate an entire park. So, I have decided to undertake the GIANT task of recreating my home park Valleyfair. One thing that helped me decide is the fact that i have all of VF coasters already in the process and range from rough draft to near complete. To get the most accurate coasters I am going to upload the coasters separately and get them perfect and then will import them into my VF. I am going to need help from someone for things such as buildings, flat rides, scripting, and physiological therapy. let me know if you want to help, i am on no deadline and expect this project to take a long time. I am also very indecisive and don't know what coaster to work on next, so please look at my pictures and let me know which coaster you want to see me finish next.

High Roller - Valleyfair's oldest coaster and an Ace Classic Coaster award winner.

Corkscrew - Arrow Dynamics coaster built in 1980(sister coaster to cedar points corkscrew)

Excalibur - Arrow Dynamics custom hybrid coaster

Wild Thing

Mad Mouse - Classic Arrow Dynamics wild mouse coaster.(same as Plantoris Park Mad Mouse)

Steel Venom

Renegade - VF's newest coaster a GCI twister.

So let me know what coaster you want to see next! I will release my wild Thing v5.0 soon and then start on the next.

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Rickrollercoaster wrote:
I'd 3ds those footers.

Those coasters are not finished. I want to know what one you would like to see get finished next and I will add things like 3d footings, I assume you were referring to Renegade. They are all still in need of more trackwork.

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The vertical loop on Corkscrew seems a bit circular, or did you make it so as your original design? Here's the real shape of an Arrow vertical loop. :)

Last edited by lol240 on July 18th, 2014, 6:50 am, edited 1 time in total.
-- I was happy to be with NL1. --

Personal coaster count as of 3/2025 -- 222
"500" perhaps by the end of this year.
I will be a Thai citizen if possible in a few years.

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