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[NL2] Jersey Devil, an epic woodie for Great Adventure!

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Circuit is more or less complete, as of right now. Nothing is final yet and the supports are still the automatically-generated ones. I'll be posting full details, more pics and the track download tomorrow... or, actually, later today, since it's past midnight already.

One tidbit for you that I hadn't originally planned on, but was necessary for timing... Three track blocks. And with the separate loading and unloading stations, that means FIVE trains.

TTD03 User avatar
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Finally a ride with 5 trains, only 2 other rides that I know of in the world that are widely popular and run 5 trains. Any guesses on what rides they are?

Posts: 201
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It's here! Far from done overall, needs custom supports, terrain work, and lots of trees, but it's a complete circuit at last!

People have recently reported sightings of the legendary creature known as the Jersey Devil in the woods next to Six Flags Great Adventure. You are to lead an expedition into the woods to confirm these sightings, and if possible to capture the creature. Above all, come back safely!

Obviously, things don't go as planned...

Jersey Devil is what can only be called an epic wooden roller coaster for Six Flags Great Adventure. It is the seventh tallest wooden coaster at 161 feet, tied for the third fastest wooden coaster at 70 MPH, and it is by far the World's Longest Roller Coaster at 9296 feet. It also features the first ever Launch on a wooden coaster! It's got three track blocks, it's got five 14-car Timberliner trains, It's 2 minutes 20 seconds long (not counting the lift), It's got a tunnel, it's got an inversion, it's got 90-degree banked turns, it's got a double-up-double-down, it's got TONS of airtime, and it has a deceptive surprise like you've never seen before!

The full (unfrozen so you can see it easily) layout on top of the overlay. The safari entrance, Best of the West, the Log flume and the Northern Star Arena are visible next to the stations at the top right. The Safari is at the bottom and left.

The stations, FBR, transfer and storage tracks. All five trains are visible. There is only space for four trains on the storage tracks, but this isn't the end of the world! El Toro only has space for one, after all.

The lift hill and first drop, tunnel, and second hill:

Third and fourth hills, with the second MCBR in the foreground. The fourth hill has a 90 degree bank. The second MCBR was originally planned to be a full helix, but it made the ride way too long and drawn-out.

The fifth and sixth hills. The double-up-double-down is in the foreground, you'll see more of it later.

The seventh and eighth hills, with the high-speed curve running under them.

The big surprise! Fake final brake run, Fake unloading station, and launch track! All of this also serves as the first MCBR.

Giant airtime hill and 90-degree banked turnaround after the launch:

Zero-G Roll. This is going to need a lot of support work, the auto-generated ones are completely unsuitable!
This is followed by the high-speed curve as shown above, followed by....

The double-up-double-down! This one's right out of Phoenix!
This is followed by the second MCBR as shown above, followed by...

Twister section! This one's inspired by the ending of El Toro.

And no coaster is complete without the Bunny Hills!

By now you're probably chomping at the bit for the Track download, so here it is!

You may need to generate the supports yourself, as I haven't done the final ones yet. Open it in the editor, unfreeze it, go to Wooden Generator, set it for Preview (Final Quality) and Cathedral - Stair Step Structure, then click OK, freeze it and Leave Editor.

The layout isn't necessarily final, all constructive criticism is welcomed. Feel free to suggest any fixes or improvements! If you want to use the overlay image in NL2, it's in the first post of this thread along with the proper scale.

Posts: 3153
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You have some good ideas in there, but I think your layout scale is off. There are some parts that look crazier than an Intamin woodie...and there are other parts that look way more drawn out than a Dinn. I'd work on being consistent...Dinn isn't *wrong*, but I don't think that's what you're going for. I think it's overly large, and you may find yourself with a more exciting result if you scale the idea down. If you keep it big, in my opinion you must add some consistency to your element/transition scaling.

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This is going to be like successful "Son Of Beast" therefore no boos! I can see the excitement of El Toro is also added! 8-)
-- I was happy to be with NL1. --

Personal coaster count as of 3/2025 -- 222
"500" perhaps by the end of this year.
I will be a Thai citizen if possible in a few years.

TTD03 User avatar
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I see Son Of Beast and El Toro in this coaster in so many ways!
But otherwise, I think it is looking great!

Posts: 201
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dcs221 wrote:
You have some good ideas in there, but I think your layout scale is off. There are some parts that look crazier than an Intamin woodie...and there are other parts that look way more drawn out than a Dinn. I'd work on being consistent...Dinn isn't *wrong*, but I don't think that's what you're going for. I think it's overly large, and you may find yourself with a more exciting result if you scale the idea down. If you keep it big, in my opinion you must add some consistency to your element/transition scaling.

I came up with a very good method for getting the layout scale right: Find the view you want in Google Earth, use the Ruler tool to measure the distance in feet from the far left edge of the view to the far right edge. Make sure it's exactly horizontal. Copy image and paste into an image editor. Find the width in pixels. Divide the width in feet that you determined in Google Earth by the width in pixels, and you have your overlay scale for NL2. So, I can assure you the scale is correct. Compare, for example, the length of Jersey Devil's stations to the length of the Safari station.

As for the coaster, I'm pretty happy with everything before the launch, that's been done for a while. For everything else, I'm not too sure about it yet. I'll probably pull in the high-speed curve by eliminating the initial curve to the left after the Zero-G roll, and pull the second MCBR in closer to the center of the layout so that the lead-up and lead-out won't be so drawn out. The coaster is intended to incorporate design elements from different manufacturers, to have a little bit of everything.

TTD03 wrote:
Finally a ride with 5 trains, only 2 other rides that I know of in the world that are widely popular and run 5 trains. Any guesses on what rides they are?

One is Olympia Looping, I'm pretty sure. What about Maverick and TTD? I can't think of any others off the top of my head.

Posts: 3153
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I'm not really referring to the overall scale of your layout. That is whatever you make it. I'm talking about the scale of the individual elements and transitions within. Some are very tight/severe, more so than any real ride of this style (camelback in picture 10), others are bigger than any ride. Parts of the turns in pictures 4 and 6 are probably wider than that of Formula Rossa, for example, and the smaller hills in pictures 10 and 12 look way too much like they follow sine waves, which means the transitions are very drawn out. That's a lot of the problem with rides like Mean Streak and Son of Beast, and your transition scaling is way bigger than those too.


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