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Post your Nolimits 2 scripts here! Also any discussion regarding scription for NoLimits Coaster 2 should be placed in this forum

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Here are the future-home of the trains. At the moment there is onle the Morgan-Chance one =)
Get the .. Morgen-Chance *like* train!

And some sustom lights, which will be having an performance update, soon!


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Can you place a front seat camera for the Morgan trains? I would love that.

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plantoris wrote:
can someone tell me how to use these?'

Prob have to do some export/copy/saving of these files and import them into your own park.
Or wait for Magu to tell you what to do :P

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are we aloud to use anything in your release? such as buildings and fences?
and I figured out how to attach the cars to trains but it doesn't line up. it never attaches to the first car always the second one.

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EVERY release is made for YOU all =) What ever i will be releasing @dropbox, you can use it!
It??????s for sure not a rule but if you like my work i would love to read a credit. As i say, it??????s not a rule or must be!

For the Cars:

1.) I??????ll add a front-pov camera.. if you say where do you want it :D Near the rails or over the front-car? =)

2.) HOW to use:
I haven??????t much time in between so that i could??????nt write an accurate tutorial... sorry for that!

1.) Simply copy the folder (in this case: Morgan-Chance Trains) into your own park-folder.
2.) Import the cars in the editor per CHOOSE the cars and place them ABOVE the track within a 5 meter range =)

3.) IF one or more cars don??????t be attached to the train: The most common problem is, that the "fake-track" is too near of the "working-track". Just lower the "fake-track" a few centimeter and it should work!

4.) SOMETIMES it??????s good to have one more car - as needed custom-cars! So the script attaching ALL of the cars!
It??????s all about the zero car and the first real car,.. (that custom attachment is even new for me, so i still have to figure out the tricks).

IF that all still don??????t work,.. you can send me the file and i??????ll look into it - what went wrong =)

I hope i could help :D if i will ever find the time, i??????ll make a tutorial, how to add things and how to easily change everything, inclusive how to make the train even LONGER! :D

Nice greetings from Germany, have a nice weekend!

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I just messed around for another hour trying to get it to work. I cant get the cars lined up just right, and was ready to eat my own face!!!

then I noticed the "hide wire frame" box.

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So.... it works now? =)

Glad you find the "B.O.X."! I really should write a tutorial next time :S

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Great stuff Magu :D Looking forward to their release - especially the Kamikaze Model!
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Magu, I was hoping to see your inverting ships which are realistic, even at real parks! The same ride on RCT3 appears way too fast! It jolts when it starts looping and gets jerky when switching its direction! Done within 0.5 secs! xD
-- I was happy to be with NL1. --

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Thank you guys!!!

I??????ve now uploaded the recolorable version of the original NL2 "Enterprise" and "Pirate Ship"


Let me know if some other modifications are needed!

..more coming soon, if the heat-wave is over! Not funny to work with such high temeratures in front of the pc.

Nice greetings :)

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Magu78 wrote:
Not funny to work with such high temeratures in front of the pc.

Take care. :) Can't wait to see your rides coming here!
-- I was happy to be with NL1. --

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Thank you =) I??????ll rework some of the rides and also the light-pack!!! It??????s horrible with all the seperated scripts which have to load! Also, Ole gave some really cool tips in another thread on how to make the lights even better (speaking of lag). With that in mind, i??????ll make rows of lights. Maybe 5er / 10er .. something like this, with a good portion of optimizing =) So the rows have to be loaded with ONE script instead of every single lamp with it??????s own script seperated! Saves time and ressources = more fun on the essential part of NoLimits2.. the coaster! :D

Small reworks but with great effects ;) Oh,.. i also solved my orientation/matrix and car loading problem, yet!

Not even a praratrooper with a working hydraulic-system and rotating motor-pieces.. also my Star Flyer and the chair-swing can now be fully and easy animated! YAY!


Well,.. still way too hot ..
Updated Chance-Morgan Trains!

There are 2 different versions now. The one you all know already and the second, a recolorable version without the headrest!
I??????ll update the trains/cars at a later date with an added LOD-clipping.

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Magu78 wrote:

It's going just a tad to fast I think. I have one of these at my home park
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Coasterkidmwm wrote:
4 G's to the taint was a bit much for me because I'm not a power bottom like Turbo

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I have one at a local park as well, you are right, it is going a bit too fast.

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Okay guys =) Thank you for the advice. It was a first test and the newer model looks not even better... it will having working Motor pieces and (maybe) a working hydraulic as well. It??????s already working but i have to calculate some points to fit it perfectly :D Also i think that the paratrooper in Germany spinning a bit faster than in your home country ;P ;)

I??????ll keep you updated when i??????m back to the work on this! :D

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all rides run better in Germany than the US XD our flat rides suck. Awesome work on one of my favorite rides in life. Thanks Magu!

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LuckyK wrote:
all rides run better in Germany than the US XD our flat rides suck.

I kind of want to know what you think of "Flat Rides" at Cedar Point. They are in the capital of coasters where the world record holders were born! ;) As for SFMM, it's known as a coaster paradise.

Speaking of Magu, as LuckyK says, he's an awesome builder! 8-)
-- I was happy to be with NL1. --

Personal coaster count as of 3/2025 -- 222
"500" perhaps by the end of this year.
I will be a Thai citizen if possible in a few years.

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I am exited to make a small traditional American roadside carnival with the flatrides. I want to use the roundup, the Ferris wheel, the paratrooper, and the trabant ride. I eventually want to add a Zipper, Watkins swinger ride, assorted Hampton kiddie rides, a Dartron super slide, Loop O Plane, Roll o Plane, Rock o Plane and Eli Bridge Scrambler. If you can make these very traditional carnival rides that would be great.

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I think that might be the best non disturbing post you have ever made cool5, a roadside carnival would be amazing, and Magu is making this very possible
What are these for?


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