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Dorney Park Review

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Post July 12th, 2014, 7:10 pm

Posts: 86
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Well, its not really a review, just me telling about the awesome time I had. I'm a big theme park fanatic but never could afford to go to anything besides Kings Dominion and Busch due to previously not having the time, money, or partner to go with. Now I have all of those.

Just the feeling of driving outside the theme park and seeing new colorful rollercoasters going tickled my brain, I couldn't believe it, finally traveled out of state to visit a new theme park. Walked in, much smaller than Busch and KD, very charming that way. All the rides were very close together, lines were nonexistent even the front row we didn't wait more than 3 turns for any ride. Place was very colorful and lively.

But, what you really wanna hear about, the rollercoasters. Each of these we rode in the front row since its our first time in chronological order in approximately reverse

Talon - How could I not enjoy the first rollercoaster on a brand new shiny theme park? Like Alpengeist with lots of intense twisting drops, best part was big zero g roll. 8.5/10

Hydra - That first hanging twist before the ride really begins is pretty cool, you hang upside down for about 2-3 seconds. Rest of the ride is great too with again nice big zero g and lots of twisting turning drops. 8.5/10

Thunderhawk - Well, I like Grizzly and Rebel Yell at KD. This one felt........weird. I couldn't tell if I should call those actual airtime hills or just rough parts. The intensity felt more like a painful intense than a fun out of control intense. I don't think I liked this one......... 4/10

Steel Force - Liked this one a lot, nice big huge banked turn, big drops, big wind, really fun. 9/10

Possessed - Simple concept but really fun. While I like the full circuit aspect of Volcano better, this one has some surprises. When you drop going forward, its a little more intense than drop going back. Last drop going forward it hangs still for one second which everybody screams at and its all fun. 9/10

Overall - 10/10! If it didn't get a 10 out of 10 considering we drove 5 hours to and 5 hours back and my first new theme park in 10 years, that'd be lame. Favorite ride was argruably Steel Force

Next week, Hershey Park

Post July 12th, 2014, 7:44 pm
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Glad you had fun! Was Hydra an intense ride? That ride always looked like a black sheep to me.
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Post July 12th, 2014, 8:04 pm

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Really glad you enjoyed Dorney! I've only been there a couple times, but Hershey is only 2 hours for me, so I consider it my home park. If you enjoyed Steel Force and Hydra, I can't think of anything there you won't like. My only advice is to possibly skip out on Wildcat, because it's pretty rough.
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Post July 13th, 2014, 3:56 am
mkingy User avatar

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Glad you enjoyed it :D Always wanted to ride Hydra. DId you manage to take any pictures? :)
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Post July 13th, 2014, 5:42 am

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Even though Possed is still technically new to the park and stinger too(not that thats working) the last new coaster for Dorney was Hydra in 2006? I agree with Thunderhawk being more painful than fun, if they removed that trim though those last 2 hills would be amazing, and its a state landmark so its only going away if it burns down, same with the whip and one other ride tetsu or dmillz would know. Anyway glad you enjoyed Dorney, It may be stuck in a bad city but its a nice small park that doesn't get the hype the other Cedar Fair parks do
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Post July 13th, 2014, 10:15 am
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CKidd wrote:
Even though Possessed is still technically new to the park and stinger too(not that thats working) the last new coaster for Dorney was Hydra in 2005. I agree with Thunderhawk being more painful than fun, if they removed that trim though those last 2 hills would be amazing, and its a state landmark so its only going away if it burns down, same with the whip and one other ride tetsu or dmillz would know. Anyway glad you enjoyed Dorney, It may be stuck in a bad city but its a nice small park that doesn't get the hype the other Cedar Fair parks do

The Zepher train is not a landmark that I am aware of at least.

Post July 13th, 2014, 11:02 am

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mkingy wrote:
Glad you enjoyed it :D Always wanted to ride Hydra. DId you manage to take any pictures? :)

I'll take some pics at Hershey and we do plan to return to dorney later this year so I'll get pics of that too

Post July 13th, 2014, 11:08 am

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So, the theme parks we will most likely visit before 2016 are Hershey, great adventure, sf America, and carowinds. What's everyone's thoughts on all those?

Hershey and sf g adv look amazing, carowinds looks fun too and sf am looks like it got better

Post July 13th, 2014, 12:49 pm

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SFA isn't great, but it's slowly improving. I personally would rank it as the worst Six Flags I've been to, but it's mainly just that it was really dirty when I was last there.
I've always wanted to go to Carowinds, you'll have to fill me in on how it is ;)
SFGA is one of the nicest Six Flags parks; ranks only slightly below Magic Mountain in my book. SFMM and SFGA seem to be the two parks they spend the most time improving, and so Great Adventure should be enjoyable. Just try going on a weekday if possible, because crowds can get pretty bad on weekends.
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Post July 16th, 2014, 11:23 pm

Posts: 32
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The park is OK. It's become mostly water park and any tourist have interested in to see the park and the roller coasters are OK, but nothing special i recommend to you Hershey park is best ever..

Post July 18th, 2014, 4:22 am

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kasi is wright. We visited Hershey Park on June 22nd & 23rd with our friends and thoroughly enjoyed it. There were rides and activities for everyone. Actually we never had time to visit the entire Park. Would definitely go back if the opportunity presents itself.

Post July 18th, 2014, 9:16 am
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Post July 24th, 2014, 5:11 am

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Hershey Park is an outstanding amusement park located in Hershey, PA. There is something to do there for everyone, whether you are an adrenaline junkie or are just there for a relaxing time. The park is very large, with no mass transportation system (i.e. train, sky ride, monorail, etc...) so you will walk a good distance through the course of the day buts lots of shady areas made it comfortable.

Post July 24th, 2014, 5:54 am

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^ Wow I've just seen some good things in your review about Hershey. Yeah, pretty informative! What about Dorney? Tell me if you have been there, because Hydra's Jojo Roll (an extremely slow in-line twist) still seems
like a good symbol of that park! :)
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Post July 26th, 2014, 11:08 pm
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