The only reason I point out how many damn times I've been on the thing is to say I am very, very, almost intimately familiar with this particular coaster... probably about as familiar as almost any other ride I've been on. I do NOT consider myself a B&M fanboy whatsoever, and in fact I tend to fall into the camp that feels that most (not all) B&M rides produced after about 2000 are pretty tame and boring. That's really another discussion, though, and it's almost a moot point as I have always enjoyed Nitro [2001] quite a bit; it was once pretty high on my personal ranking and still only falls a bit outside my own top ten.
Anywhoooo... the real point of this thread is to say that IMO Nitro has been running, particularly recently and particularly once it warms up for the day and particularly in the back. I've been on it about a dozen times in past couple of days alone and even more in the past few weeks and every time the experience was the same-- perfect floater air over the crests of the "big" air hills with an extra little pull in the back; excellently crushing positives in the pre-MCBR helix; and some SERIOUS air over the last few hills, almost ejector in the back.
I was just wondering if anyone else has managed to get on Nitro within the past six weeks or so and noticed that it was running any differently from usual, or otherwise seemed particularly enjoyable if you were a new rider. Otherwise, I can only recommend that anyone planning a trip to Great Adventure in the near future be sure to hop on Nitro in row 8 or 9