Started in May. I went to Vegas! Canyon Blaster of course was an amazing ride! I've always love it. However... El Loco was crazy! It wasn't really that comfortable though, but it sure as hell was a unique experience!
Come June, I make my way to Waldameer's. Ravine Flyer II was a very fun ride! It was my first ever Gravity Group coaster, and damn, I was impressed! Here's a pic of that spinning coaster though.
I also hit up Conneaut Lake Park, and let's just say I have never been more fearful to ride a coaster. Blue Streak was sketchy as hell.
Up next, I hit up Hersheypark! I was there September 2012, but I had to go again! Skyrush is STILL the best roller coaster I've ever been on! Seriously. Everything else there was actually pretty damn fun... except Wildcat. Screw that ride. Here are more pics!
Then I hit up Kings Island! Banshee is now my favorite B&M invert. I was always hard-pressed to ride something better than Montu, but here it is! Diamondback was a very fun ride, but I think Nitro is better still. Firehawk was weird. Vortex is one of my favorite rides ever!
Next up: Cedar Point! I haven't been here in over ten years, so I was so glad to be able to go back and ride everything since then! Maverick was so fantastic, that it left a bruise just next to my left armpit! Gatekeeper was actually REALLY fun! Top Thrill Dragster front row was better than Kingda Ka believe it or not! And Millennium Force was a lot better than I thought it would be. Magnum XL-200 was a blast of course! Raptor was meh. Blue Streak was really fun! Gemini wasn't bad at all actually. Mean Streak can die. Mantis is painful and boring. Enjoy the pics!
Last but not least: Six Flags Great America! Raging Bull was OK. That trim on the first airtime hill was awful though. Goliath I can't even begin to describe. I have never been on a coaster like that before. It was CRAZY! And X-Flight was OK ha ha!
That's it!