first of all, you shouldn't be making that many separate force sections. All of what you have after the straight section should be one section. This allows your various transitions to overlap. As a former newton user i made the same mistake of making too many sections when I first tried out FVD++
For example, look at the graph for the coaster I am making currently. Notice how the roll transitions are generally longer then the normal force transitions. I also used only 7 sections on the whole coaster.
My graph probably isn't perfect and I am not super experienced in FVD++ myself, but I am just trying to help as much as I can. People who know FVD++ better then me can probably give better info than me.
Favorite Coasters- MF, GateKeeper, El Toro, Kingda Ka, TTD, Maverick, Nitro, Raptor, Hydra