I finally got through the nightmare of parking, and made my way into the park. The first thing I see as I walk in is the monstrosity otherwise known as Skyrush.

I cam around into "The Hollow" section of the park, to see the giant lift hill and the huge crowds of people filling every possible space imaginable.

I did actually get to riding Skyrush around 10 PM. As soon as we hit the drop, I was instantly reminded what Intamin does for fun. This is an intense ride! My first ride of the day was Great Bear. What an awesome ride this is. It keeps its pace so well through the course and is just so much fun.

I got in line and I noticed this sign in the queue.

Hah. That's laughable. Nightwindelf does not ride the center of the train. After Great Bear, I headed around the corner to Sooperdooperlooper. This old Schwartzkopf is everything you want a family steel looper to be. It's so much fun, and you enter the loop around 3.7- 4.0 G's. The only thing I dislike about this ride is the trim in the middle.

While I was standing in line, I could see the section of the river where Great Bear comes rushing through, and I remembered that these supports are a thing.

I also found this guy in line. I think he's wearing capris.

After that, I headed towards the "Boardwalk" area to get some lunch. I spent a little while over there just people watching.

After lunch, I hit Wild Kat. It was a little shaky, but overall a great coaster. Lots of nice floater air, and one or two spots of less than zero G's.

I also spotted this on the station. It must be a hybrid. Not a true woodie.

After that, I did some more exploring and found the Vekoma boomerang. I didn't ride it, but took a nice photo.

I was starting to get pretty warm so I changed to my swim trunks and headed over to Tidal Force. There's a sign on the station that says "You WILL get soaked". Right they are!

It started cooling down, and the waterpark was closing, so I changed back into a pair of jeans and headed for Lightning Racer.

I only did the "Lightning" side, but I don't think it matters. They're both the same thing, just elements in different orders when they interact.
By the time I was off the ride, it was around 9:00 PM and I knew I had to get the last of my rides in for the night. I headed off to Skyrush, which I got on around 10. 2 minutes later, I was back on the path and heading for Storm Runner. This was my last ride of the night, as the park was closing soon.

The cable launch on this was my first ever, and I won't forget it! 0 - 72 in 2 seconds and the cable didn't break! I thought for sure I would get some nice ejector air over the top hat, but it slows down near the crest. Slightly disappointing, but I would ride this in the back for that very reason. By the time I got off Storm Runner, the park was closing down for the night, and I had to bid farewell to the park. I will definitely be going back again.
Here's a link to the album of photos. There's a few I didn't share in the thread. http://imgur.com/a/Yzb9v