So I got to the park and started with Dominator because it's close to the entrance. The line was actually surprisingly long but the ride itself was above average. It's a really good floorless but could use better theming, as I thought theming is what made Bizarro top it on my personal list.
Then my brother nagged me to ride shockwave, and I actually feared for my life on that thing. Since I'm pretty tall, I didn't experience much head-boxing, but I still felt those brutal transitions. Not suprised TOGO is out of business now.
I decided to go on I-305 before lines got too long. I waited in line for about 45 minutes, which isn't that bad in my opinion. Let me tell you that thing is one beautiful mess of steel

I was going to ride volcano but It broke down. Typical Intamin

I spent a while in the waterpark, which is great and all, but could really use an expansion (which is currently rumoured I might add)
It was almost time to leave and I wanted to ride I-305 once more but the line was ridiculous and I have the patience of a 3 year old so I just rode Dominator again which had virtually no line whatsoever.
That's all. I think I should have just rode I-305 more instead of riding all of the park's attactions, but I still had a good time. In a couple of years, with some more good rides I imagine this park could be one of Cedar Fair's flagships.
Once again sorry for the lack of pictures