RCT3rox wrote:
Scenery around the parking lot area is coming along nicely! Already adjusted the size/shape of the lot, and are ready to fence in the tunnels, I just don't have any idea how to make chain link fences. Anyone have a good 3ds chain link fence I could use? You'll be credited in the final product for helping me out
Could make something in sketch up if you give me some details (height of of fence / length / any combinations of fence you'd like)
The biggest think trackwork wise I think you should change (almost throughout the entire ride - but I'll highlight the amin problem area) is your banking choices. That final dive loop needs much more banking on the entry to it - your laterals are huge there and I feel if you restricted them to closer to 0.5 you'd still get the effect of being whipped round it without it being horribly painful. The tunnel just before that had some banking issues too where it felt like you'd overbanked the track. The key to remember is positive laterals mean the rider is being pushed out the right of the car, and negative laterals mean the rider is being pushed out the left of the car.
Overall I really like the ride though - got some nice ideas and its really really huge (I'd argue almost a perfect example of a fantasy coaster). Its fun and maintains speed throughout the ride (albeit with the help of that extra launch which arguably you could have completed the ride as well without but nevertheless) so props for making something fun