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All the problems with six flags parks.

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Post August 10th, 2014, 11:14 pm

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(Pasted from another post I made)

Pros and cons of six flags
- Fun park
-Some extreme rides

-Terrible Security
-Rides breakdown more than Chris Brown beats women.
-Any new rides would be open for half the day on opening day, then be closed for half the summer due to problems.
-Over Price everything
-Give all the big parks fun rides, while giving the smaller ones boomerangs and shitty kid rides.
-Usually attracts a bad community (I've gone to six flags and almost every time I go I can catch someone sniffing, If you know what I mean)
-Terrible queue flow on ANY ride
-Retarded unprofessional staff that tend to break any ride they touch
-Gold Pass Scam (Read more about it below)
-Terrible food
-Event's suck (Fright Fest, mainly)
-Buggy Systems that tend to break down, resulting in more scam-like situations.
-When a ride breaks down, people are stranded for hours upon hours..
-People have love died because the staff were that stupid (Texas)

Yeah, that's all I could think up right now, and onto the whole gold-pass scam thing.. Atleast at six flags new england, it's a major scam. If you have a regular season pass, gold or not. You show it to the guy and they let you in early, we have gold pass, but we have also had friends who haven't, and they would get right in with us, aswell as people without passes at all sneaking in. They don't care, whether your pass says golden or not, if you show it to them, you can go through. Its a huge waste of money and I recommend you DON'T get it. It may be more secure in the future, but as of now, it is very cheap and basically a scam.

Here we can talk about all the retarded encounters we have had with six flags and what not. I go alot, it's fun, but theres so many problems with it that it's basically Defunct in some cases.

Post August 10th, 2014, 11:41 pm

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Goliath SFGAm was operating at ~500 passengers per hour today

Post August 10th, 2014, 11:47 pm

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touche. I'll give you that one, although there have been some moments of terrible queue flow in my experience.

Post August 10th, 2014, 11:58 pm

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Your cons are for what park? That's my main problem when people argue about six flags. If one Park has bad security, a another bad queue, another has a lot of breakdown, another attracts the a bad crowd, ect. People suddenly accoiate that with EVERY park. You can't combine the problems of six flags parks across the country and then say they all have these problems. Specifically say a certain six flags park has these problems.
Like I said the only reason people have this hatred of six flags is because they always combine the problems of every six flags park.
If cedar fair put their name in front of every park they own people would do the SAME thing. They would see the problems of kings island, cedar point, kings dominion, and then think carrowinds has those same problems.
Give me specific problems from all six flags parks then all the problems of cedar fair parks and you'll see they have VERY similar problems.

As far as the small parks get fewer rides thing, come on! Every small park has the same problem! That's just business.

The gold pass is not a rip off, it gives you free parking doesn't it? That should be the real $$ benefits.

My Six flags Park is SFMM and I've never hit the problems you speak of. But I must say to be fair that I've never gone in the summer time, I never go to a park when it's busy.

My ceder fair park is Knotts and I've hit the problems you speak of, more specifically the high queue times because their running on train, xcelerattor breaking down all the time, and a small dumb rides like a boomerang, getting rid of a awsome splash ride for a wild mouse and flat rides. Also pony express! The ride is a figure 8! That an hour queue!

Just don't blame all the parks for a problems at one specific park. Judge each park individually!

I'll leave you with this to think about, when six flags has a problem like their recent swing ride, or the boat flipping over, what did the community do, they didn't express their hatred of ceder point, they said intimin was to blame, and no one said how bad the inspected are.
But a train JUST stalls at a six flags park and we a say how horrible six flags is. Come on! Just think about it!

Post August 11th, 2014, 12:29 am

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I'm just in a ranty mood, really. This is specifically torwards Six flags new england, Idk about other people, but compared to a lot of other parks out there, six flags isn't really at the top of the list. I've had alot of bad experiences with some six flags parks. And doesn't normal season passes give you free parking too? Last time I went without gold pass we got free parking, lol.

Post August 11th, 2014, 12:37 am

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Nope, only gold pass gets free parking.
(Sorry about the grammer, writing on my phone lol)

Post August 11th, 2014, 1:32 am
TTD03 User avatar
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tiepilot35 wrote:
Goliath SFGAm was operating at ~500 passengers per hour today

Ouch, that's pretty bad, needs to be at least 1000 to be a good capacity ride in my opinion.

Post August 11th, 2014, 1:41 am

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Most coasters have a their theoretical capacity usually around 1000 riders per hour( just an average I know b&m usually are in the 1500+) but they will never hit that, it's too much work for both the operators and to fast for riders. 500 riders per hour, I have no idea if this is good or not! Lol

Post August 11th, 2014, 1:52 am

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Me neither. and helo, before golden pass you got free parking with a regular season pass, I know that for a fact, it's just another way to scam people of their own money, damn.

Post August 11th, 2014, 1:59 am

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Maybe the parking was more park specific? Because I also know for a fact that the regular pass never covered parking, the most expensive one did, and the most expensive one covers parking at all SF parks.
So I'm pretty sure the parking just goes by park

Can someone else confirm?

Post August 11th, 2014, 2:04 am

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My dad always bought the passes. We never had gold pass til this year, last year we had a 'season pass'. (I have no idea if there's different types under the category). But we got in the parking lot without paying, as well as getting into the park for free.

Post August 11th, 2014, 2:10 am

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Also, I'm not saying they are the worst parks in the world. I'm saying that they tend to somewhat scam people, as well as pull off some shitty situations, like new rides being closed for most of the summer they opened in, and rides breaking down often. Those specific problems are thing's that happen to Six flags new england. Although I'm sure there are other parks that have the same problems

Post August 11th, 2014, 2:25 am

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I guess I've been spoiled by SFMM lol.
We gave you Goliath(d??????j????? vu), worked ok when it was here, and I loved the ride! But I guess the whole boomerang next to a boomerang is ridicules!
Hopefully Iron cyclone fixes SOME problems.

Post August 11th, 2014, 2:30 am

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Helo, Goliath f*cking sucks. For the first year it was here it was good, sure it broke down a little bit here and there, but other wise it was solid. Year later, they close the ride for more than half the year, because they were adding new trains, but they wouldn't work ride, so they ended up keeping the old trains.. Year later, They finally added the new train, the ride is so rough now that It ruined me entire day with a booming headache, and I'm 14 year's old with perfect health. It also hurt my back a lot when falling frontwards. And to top it off, it breaks down nearly every hour.

Post August 11th, 2014, 2:40 am

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Dam, that's sad to hear, like I said I love that ride! Sad to hear it's not as solid anymore. It was one of my favorite rides! What's wrong with the ride more specifically? The cobra roll?
Do you know why they replaced the trains?
(P.S. Edit out the curse words bro! That get you banned lol)

Post August 11th, 2014, 2:52 am

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Didn't know swearing was allowed, but anyways. Heres the specific's.
-The trains are wide (4x per row), so when going fast it wobbles side to side, causing a lot of sickness
-When going down frontwards, you get major whiplash when you reach the bottom, your back slams against the seat and it basically feels like getting hit in the back with a wooden board.
-When going backwards, the loop and the cobra roll are extremely painful.
-It breaks down a lot aswell.

I think the reason why it's so jittery and painful is because they left too much room between the rails and the wheels, (read over what I said and think about it).
I have no idea why they changed the trains, when we had the older ones, it was much more smoother, and at points I thought it was the best ride in the park.

Post August 11th, 2014, 8:19 am
TTD03 User avatar
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We have a soon to not be unspoken rule about it, we don't mind to a certain extent, I am just editing it so it doesn't look so bad.
Helo9797 wrote:
Most coasters have a their theoretical capacity usually around 1000 riders per hour( just an average I know b&m usually are in the 1500+) but they will never hit that, it's too much work for both the operators and to fast for riders. 500 riders per hour, I have no idea if this is good or not! Lol

Think of it like this, TTD can send a maximum of 36 guests per cycle of 2 trains. For TTD to hit 500 riders per hour capacity, they would have to load and dispatch the trains around every 4.5 minutes. Typically today, TTD loads and dispatches within 1-2 minutes, which explains why if it is running well, it does hit 1000 riders per hour.

Post August 11th, 2014, 10:58 am
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Helo9797 wrote:
My Six flags Park is SFMM and I've never hit the problems you speak of.

I've been going to this park for years and it is BY FAR the worst run Six Flags I've been to. for examples, check out my ptr from last december

Clicky here for awesome PTR :)
Coaster Count: 582 // Top Five: 1. Helix 2. Nemesis 3. Big Bad Wolf 4. Boulder Dash 5. Balder

Coasterkidmwm wrote:
4 G's to the taint was a bit much for me because I'm not a power bottom like Turbo

Post August 11th, 2014, 11:24 am
Paradox User avatar

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Some Six Flags parks are okay. It is the big parks '*cough* SFMM *cough* that are corrupt and terrible. I do not know why they prefer to build a crappy ride that breaks records and has a short layout *cough* Full Throttle *cough* rather than a ride that could break a record but is enjoyable and long and doesn't imply that Six Flags is trying to beat Cedar Fair in every possible way.
Coasterkidmwm wrote:
gouldy wrote:
Just don't employ stupid people and you're golden.

That's like finding a Waffle House with no white trash in it.

Post August 11th, 2014, 11:27 am

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Sorry I thought it would be obvious to everyone that 500 pph is unbearably despicable for a brand new world-class coaster. For reference, GateKeeper operates at 1,600 pph.

Post August 11th, 2014, 11:33 am
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Pretty sure Full Throttle opened at 300 lol, less than that maybe. When I was there I did some maths and calculated them running it at like 280- pph
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Coasterkidmwm wrote:
4 G's to the taint was a bit much for me because I'm not a power bottom like Turbo

Post August 11th, 2014, 11:54 am
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Goliath AKA De Ja Vu has such a long loading time and it is broken down half the time the park is open and it only works in the mornings.
Coasterkidmwm wrote:
gouldy wrote:
Just don't employ stupid people and you're golden.

That's like finding a Waffle House with no white trash in it.

Post August 11th, 2014, 12:15 pm
TTD03 User avatar
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Post August 11th, 2014, 1:01 pm

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The goliath/deja vu problem is not a six flags problem because cedar fair has done the exact same thing with face off/stinger. come to think about not only do they have the same problems they were both plopped right next to shuttle coasters already there.
What are these for?

Post August 11th, 2014, 1:09 pm
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The best way to ruin a ride's capacity is through fat people who can't fit and skip-the-line passes. Fat people especially though. They routinely get kicked off every ride (and argue through the whole kick-off process), and then have to waddled over to the bins, spend 9 minutes collecting their stuff (they always have a souvenir cup full of pop to retrieve), and then lumber their titanic ass out the station.

They usually clog up the middle rows because walking to the front or back requires more effort, and the 2 or 3 flights of stairs they had to climb to get to the station was just too much.
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