The Day to SFMM started out with 2 hour traffic! Thanks LA! Its fine, I was listening to Louis CK stand up the whole time.
Got to SFMM 10 min before they opened parking, so perfect timing, also got to see X2 running some test runs. X2 still looks new, some coasters need a new paint job, but X2 still looks great.
Got into the park early because of gold pass (10 min is still better than nothing, but it should be longer). First ride of the day Full Throttle, my first ride on the coaster too! First thoughts, awesome, underrated, great forces, and also unique in some aspects.
But the park made many mistakes that bothered me. The obvious is that its not long enough, 2 trains, long loading times. But the thing that bothered me more was that they placed this type of ride at the front of the park, were people entering the park ride first, and last. Thats not enough thought, they put a show at the entrace too, to attract even MORE people to that area. So many faults, but the ride is an underrated awesome coaster that deserves more love. Ride in the back, the launch backwards is amazing.
After Full Throttle it was off to Goliath! Had a whole train to myself, front row, came back to the station, switched to the back row(more people came on the ride) and had a awesome ride again. I enjoyed the front better than the back, for the first drop at least, mostly because the chain slows to a craw before the drop so it takes a longer time for the front to go to the steepest point. The back gets good airtime, but the change is too fast, so i think the drop is better in the front.
After Goliath I went on Colossus for the last time
I thought I would return multiple times a day but the ride got so much love the wait kept increasing throughout the day, in the morning(when I rode) the wait was about 15 min, then I went to Scream thinking the line wouldn't increase, but then it was 30+ mins. Then 1+ hour, they even closed it for a couple hours. Later thru the day the line never let up. Glad the ride left with a lot of love from riders.
Even how old the ride is, Its still better than Mean Streak, and smoother than Apocalypse. Can't wait to see how the RMC will work, with the whole dual station, dual track thing.
After Colossus I hit up Scream! The worse ride ops were placed on this ride, they seemed clueless, took forever, just seemed to burn time. The ride is still fun, but bumpyer than I remember, the best part in my opinion is the Zero g roll(if your on the inside seats), and everything after the mcbr, the corkscrews are awesome! Scream really needs a upgrade(maybe a bizzardo type?) change the concrete, new paint job, clean the trains( they were so dirty!), just themeing all around!
After Scream! I rode Batman, 4 times in a row, just changing seats to test out the gforces on the different parts of the train. I found the front looks cool like always, the back was alright, but the middle of the train was the most forceful and fun. I really loved the ride, the only real problem is the length of the ride. But the pacing, speed, forces, and fun was awesome, the inversions feel more natural, the coaster doesn't feel rct like scream! does. I love these clones!
The wonder-woman ride is actually quite fun, and much stronger than a UFO flatrides. Anyone know how many g's this ride produces?
After the Batman was the Riddler's Revenge, no line!(in the morning) fun ride(my opinion one of the best, if not the best Stand-up coaster.
After Riddler was overpriced food! Food line was longer than many ride lines lol. The season drink thing was a good deal, it was HOT that day!
After food was a ride on Goldrush, and Jet Stream, not rough rides to relax, on jet stream, got some important shots of Ninja, seems they been cutting away! There's lots of cut trees all around, much more than regular, but it doesn't seem TOO bad, but more than you think.
After Jet Stream was Apocalypse, the ride was rough, but the seats are really comfy and soft, it was much better when it was Terminator(smoother and good theme), also the wood seems kinda moldy and dangerous lol.
Without Deja Vu the missing spot looks weird and sad, I miss that ride. At least they got space for a new coaster right?
After Apocalypse I kinda went all over the park taking advantage of the single rider system SFMM has at some of their rides, like Viper, Revolution, Green Lantern, and Lex Luther drop of doom. Some people get so mad and make faces when you use the single rider system. Its pretty funny too.
Lex Luther Drop of Doom is a awesome! Way better than I expected and way better than other drop rides I've been on. When the superman ride is running the tower starts to shake and sway, and that's awesome! 400ft in the air, about to be dropped, shaking, swaying, loud noises, its a pretty cool experience, but it doesn't happen on every ride. Went on 4 times(thanks to the single rider system i just walked on basically). Every time I went on I was still nervous, which made it even better! Great ride!
I was able to get no head banging on Revolution, I just kinda held on to the restraints a bit higher than were the grip is, and boom, no headbanging! Theirs a tip for you! Love the noise the train makes, and love the ride too, but those restraints are terrible and ruin the ride! The layout, terrain, and forces are fun, just needs better restraints. Hopefully we get them 2016!
Is this another country? Nope still SFMM, a forest basically live here lol.
Viper I love, because its theme is a snake, and that fits SFMM natural landscape, also were its situated on a mountain, its visable from far away. The last great Arrow looper still is fast, bumpy, a bit painful, but fun!
When they change this?
Superman was running one train(what a shock right!) 1+ hour wait in a virtually non moving line, so I didn't ride it. Why do they only run one side? Save money on power? Have they ever run both sides?
Fountain was not running
No train on Green Lantern leaves the station unbalanced anymore, longer wait times, and even ride ops ride the ride to try to balanced the train( if theirs no single riders). So not as fun as I remember, but still as painful! Try your best to unbalance the ride!
Rode X2 twice, once in the Back inside, and outside middle. The back and middle felt the same, but the outside and inside felt very different, much better and smoother on the inside.
So yeah pretty good day.