-Season pass to Lake Compounce & visited twice
-Quassy Amusement Park
-Clementon Park
-Six Flags America
-Lakemont Park
-Conneaut Lake Park
-Martin's Fantasy Island
-Canada's Wonderland
-Darien Lake
For anybody who is interested in top 10s and what not here was my Top 20 before the year started since I will be referring to it a lot. At the end of the report, I will show how it changed.
1.Boulder Dash
5.El Toro (SFGadv)
6.Bizarro (SFNE)
7.Manta (SWO)
8.Intrimidator 305
9.Kumba (BGT)
11.Storm Runner
14.Coney Island Cyclone
15.Cyclone (SFNE)
16.White Lightning
17.Batman the Ride (SFGadv)
18.Volcano, The Blast Coaster
19.Wooden Warrior
I'm going to start off with the parks I had already visited, which surprisingly are only the first few. Sorry for the general lack of pics for these. The rest will have much more.
Lake Compounce kind of sucked this year. Boulder Dash is beyond amazing as always, but the crowds were awful and operations sucked (1 train for Boulder Dash). Wildcat is actually a good ride now that it was re-tracked and not the roughest coaster in the world. Make sure if you go, ride it in the front car second row. My second trip I took my friend for free. Sadly, Boulder Dash was running like s**t (still the best thing ever though). We stopped at Quassy and enjoyed a few rides on Wooden Warrior which was just as fun as ever. Awesome back seat ride. Sadly though, I don't know when I would be willing to go back to Lake Compounce after such a bad year. Still worth a try if you haven't been.

Don't remember this from previous years. Smells a lot like Kennywood. Looks like Palace is trying to create a brand.

The final few hills on Boulder Dash are ridiculous.

Boulder Dash may be hidden in the trees, but the lift-hill can look quite daunting to non-enthusiasts.

Wooden Warrior packs quite a punch for its size. If you're in the area, try it out. Admission is free and prices are reasonable.
My mom took my family to Pennsylvania for one of our last trips together as we'll all be leaving the nest soon. We spent the weekend at Hershey and Knoebels. Hershey was great as always, but Storm Runner wasn't running too hot. My sister despises Skyrush after this trip. She can't stand that pain on her legs. It is bad, but it is still an amazing ride. Knoebels was so much better on my second go. I suppose my high expectations got the better of me. Now it's my favorite park. Great charm, great coasters and the best collection of flat rides I have ever seen. I get those flyers popping to a point where I lose control for a good 20 seconds. This is an amazing park that anyone who has the chance has to try. As for Flying Turns, I liked it, but it wasn't anything too spectacular. Just don't ride with someone with long hair in the same seat. Sorry, no pictures from these parks, just wanted to share my thoughts.
Clementon Park:
My first new park of the year was Clementon Park. I was heading in that direction for my Freshman Orientation and thought I might as well spend $50 to check out Hell Cat with my mom.

Hell Cat dominates the park's skyline.

It is really quite large.

Quite an impressive looking layout.
First ride I rode in the back car. I actually had an enjoyable ride. It was extremely rough though. The bottom of the first and second drop are quite nasty and the turns shudder like crazy. However, it has its share of airtime and weird moments to keep it from being horrible.

These last few hills provide some semi-floater airtime.

So how was my front seat experience? Awful. Just awful. Stick to the back on this. This is quite simply the roughest coaster I have ever been on. This beating out Wildcat at Lake Compounce before its retracking. Especially don't sit on the wheel and you will regret it for about a week and a half.
That aside I thought my ride in the back was ok and was somewhat enjoyable. Not worth the $50 though.
The rest of the park was just as bad. The train around the park felt quite unstable. The operator was nice enough to back us all up back into the station to let 2 people on... The actual track itself had animals lined up all along it.

Caesar. is. home.
It was themed to some zoo...? I guess? With the inclusion of lions, gorillas, black bears, and a bull dog, I'm not sure this made too much sense.
My mom thought it would be a good idea to ride the log flume. I tried to talk her out of it, but she obviously hasn't been to a crappy park before. Disgusting water and a painful ride, as expected.
I left the park quite disappointed with everything about this park without many redeeming qualities. However, I left with a nice surprise:

There is something quite wrong about an operator sleeping on the job...
Would I recommend this park? No. Unless you're a serious credit whore, this is not worth the $50.
Six Flags America:
My dad took my cousin's and I on a day trip to Six Flags America. They live in Delaware, so it was either this or Six Flags Great Adventure. Having been to Great Adventure far too many times, I thought it would be nice to try something new.

The front half of the park is quite beautiful and welcoming. The back half was open with a bunch of clones plopped down in an open field, but it's bearable.
First up was Ragin' Cajun. The parks "newest" coaster. Not just a clone, but a transferred clone. As always, low capacity first. We got it to spin quite a bit and it was quite smooth for this model. Not bad.
Next was one I was quite excited for, Wild One

I thoroughly enjoyed both the front and back seats of this ride. Some good laterals and good pops of air. Really quite an awesome ride.

Blatant Snickers ad is actually kind of funny.
Next up was the other coaster that was transferred from Six Flags Great America, a stand-up coaster that is either considered really good or really bad,

I can confirm... it sucks. Worst B&M I have ever been on. It is quite rough and the head banging is horrible. There are some good sections, but there is not much that can redeem this ride.
Next up was another old GCI that doesn't have that great a rap and the only one that still has PTCs, Roar.

My front seat ride was great on this. Some great pops of airtime and laterals. I actually thought my front seat ride on Roar was better than Wild One. When I rode in the back later in the day though, I regretted it. It was quite rough. However there is a huge pop of ejector air that made the back seat worth while.
Next up: Mind Eraser.

I love how they put this in the corner of the park away from everything else. It's almost daring you to avoid it at all costs. Needed the credit though.
It actually wasn't as bad as some of the others.
It was time to try out the nearby rapids. They were actually quite good. They didn't depend on waterfalls and other water effects to get you wet. One of the better ones I've been on.
It was time to head under Wild One into the back of the park.

I love how Wild One creates a barrier across the park so that there is only way through.

Noooooo! Spited.

But I loved Flight of Fear and this one isn't trimmed! Next time.

The moment we've all been waiting for! Superman - Ride of Steel. I thought this ride was fantastic! Definitely the best in the park. Intense helices and great airtime, this thing provides one hell of a ride. It can't quite compare to Bizarro as the pacing isn't quite there, but it is an intense ride. This slipped right into my #10 spot on my top 10. Both the back and front deliver some great rides but that straight away detracts quite a bit from the greatness. One thing the straight away does well though is build anticipation for that hill. Great ride and i couldn't wait to ride Ride of Steel.

As every other ride in the park, the line was quite short, but they were only running one train. It built quite a bit throughout the day.
Next up was Batwing which I forgot to get pictures of. It was my first Vekoma Flying Dutchman and I thought it was meh. The uncomfortable seats and the painful corkscrews make it not too great a ride. It is quite a relief when the train flips over because the cushions shoved into my back.
I tried out the flying scooters which I was able to pop quite a bit, but nothing like Knoebels. I felt much safer though

Overall, I thought Six Flags America was actually a good park. I know it gets a lot of s**t but it just seems like a nice medium sized park with some pretty good rides and short lines. Sure it can't compare to other parks nearby but it is worth the trip.
Expect this to continue in the future. I will be posting my reports for my 7 day, 8 park trip through Pennsylvania, New York and up to Canada's Wonderland hopefully starting within the next week when I find time. Just got back and I'm exhausted, but I had a great time. Thanks for reading.
Edit: Edited because Flickr sucks