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Devil's 2014 Trip Reports - Conclusion Posted

Visited a theme park and have a wild time?!? Post your trip report here and tell us all about it!

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TTD03 wrote:
Phantom's Revenge is definitely a coaster that exceeded my expectations, it was a fantastic coaster!

It's so underrated in the coaster community! I'm blessed to live a half hour away :D

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Yep I got a job up here around 5 months ago. I lived in DE before this.

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Location: New Jersey, USA
Day 5: Canada's Wonderland

We left the hotel at around 7:00 to try to accommodate for traffic at customs. Sadly we ran into a bunch of hiccups along the way such as where we were going to find Canadian money for their tolls, which is something we didn't consider. We spent 20 minutes looking for a bank that may have been open at the time. We assumed there would be something at or close to the border. When we went into the building with the huge sign when we crossed customs that said in huge font "Currency Exchange ," the lady there told us there were no tolls in Canada. She said if we run into a toll road, they will take a picture of our license plate and mail us... Why can't the US be this easy? We never ended up running into tolls so that was half an hour wasted, along with the 20 minute wait for customs. Now, we were pushing it for time.


We took the wrong exit for the park, so we ended up going to the entrance where we had to make a left into the park, which took another 10 minutes because so many people were trying to get into the park. By this time our day was started late, and we knew the park was going to be ridiculously crowded.

It's cool how Leviathan towers over the entrance.

In my attempt to grab every credit, I missed quite a few things and maybe rode coasters that I shouldn't have ridden over others. We took a gamble though, and we got all the coasters we wanted to get. Of course we started off with low capacity coasters that I would never wait an hour for, The Bat

It sucked, what else can I say?

Next up was another low capacity ride and this line was already getting long, The Fly


There was a point on this ride where I was just begging for a trim. These turns were so fast. When my wish came true, the trim was nice and hard. Classic Mack. At least these are smooth and kind of fun.

From this point on, I didn't have a chance to take too many pictures because we were running around the park, and not many of the lines had great views. Behemoth and Leviathan had plenty of pictures, but everything else doesn't really have any, I apologize again.

Now it was time to go to the back of the park to get some family credits. We hit up Ghoster Coaster first, which was another long line. It was ok. I can give it credit for doing exactly what it was supposed to do, but it wasn't as good as Waldameer's Comet.

Next up was... Oh f@*k... another Vekoma SFC, Silver Streak. I don't understand how these can actually hurt when they are going that speed. These things are boring and ridiculously rough, and this is the worst of the two I have ridden.

Finally something worthwhile, and in fact, the number one priority in the park, Sky Rider. Just as background, Shockwave at Kings Dominion is my least favorite coaster, so I was skeptical going into this, despite hearing good things about it. Wow was this good. Crazy airtime on a stand-up coaster? Yes please. This thing is filled with great moments. Both of the turns were typical Togo and were a little rough, but they didn't detract too much and it wasn't bad at all; not nearly as bad as Shockwave. The first loop was great and when we hit that first airtime, a huge smile went onto my face. Crazy airtime while standing up is an experience to behold. The helix was a little rough, but it didn't have that nasty jerk at all. It was just a little head banging. Then the following airtime hills were crazy. One more turn and a quick few pops of air before the end. This was so much fun. I knew it could have been good if it was smooth enough, but this exceeded even that expectation. This found it's way to #23 ahead of Wooden Warrior and behind Volcano. Truly great. Too bad this has to be the one to be leaving the park and I hope it finds a new home soon.

It was now time for one of the big ones, my 3rd B&M hyper, Behemoth. I really like Apollo's Chariot and I think Nitro is pretty good, but neither of them are at all exceptional. Let's see if Behemoth can break this trend, and my expectations are high since I've heard such great things about the airtime.

The line took about 50 minutes. And it got so much worse later in the day. This moved slower than most B&M lines. I'm assuming it has to do with one less car.

It was also very cold while in line. I've always heard things about the cold in Canada, but I didn't know it was this bad... It didn't feel like it was below freezing, though.


Wow! This coaster didn't even come close to my expectations! It is an overrated, pointless, repetitive, slow, forceless, boring, rattly, heaping pile of horse manure. Well, it wasn't that bad, but it wasn't very good. The first hill is promising as it gets a great pop into long sustained airtime. As I said, this was promising. I don't necessarily expect too much from the first few elements as I expect the pace to pick up and I expect to see some variation of hills and elements. After the pointless, waste of time, "don't even bother making this at all forceful" hammerhead, the next hill felt exactly the same as the previous. I understand the necessity for repetition as it makes the variation so much more exciting. The next hill comes and it does the same thing. The next one comes and it actually shows some variety by doing the same exact thing. At this point I'm getting bored of pretending to enjoy the same thing over and over again. Now that there have been about 90 trims in a row, the next hill wasn't quite on par with its predecessors, but it was still similar. Then, the entrance to MCBR felt the exact same way until it stopped. At this point, I know the ride sucks. I am aware of the heavy trimming the MCBR does. We swerve lazily into a pathetic helix which then transitions into another turn and low and behold, the next few hills have barely any airtime. Truly a great finale... One thing I haven't addressed yet is the rattle, just to make things worse. I can take a rough wooden coaster, but B&M rattles hurt my head and wow does this have it! I don't see how anybody can even have a remotely high regard for this roller coaster. I agree it's pretty good, but it is not even remotely exceptional. This found its way into spot #43 behind Sky Rocket and ahead of Cheetah Sh Hunt. [/rant]


Next it was time for the second wooden coaster, Mighty Canadian Minebuster. I had no expectations going into this.

There's my excuse for a picture of Minebuster. The line ended up being around 45 minutes.

I thought it was ok. The airtime on the first hill is great, but the second one left me laughing the entire ride. To think that somebody thought it would be a good idea to waste money on that kind of a hill. The rest of the ride wasn't very memorable and the helix at the end was decent. It wasn't rough, and it was somewhat enjoyable, but nothing exceptional. I rode front car middle row, but the ride before us, that exact seat was left empty and that was the one we wanted...

Leviathan is calling me...

First, though, I had to ride my first Arrow Suspended since Big Bad Wolf, Vortex. I had high expectations for this. Sadly, though, the line was pouring out of the queue and it took around an hour to get up. We rode back car front seat and it was really rough. It felt more like an Arrow than Big Bad Wolf did. I really didn't enjoy this too much because I noticed the poor trackwork more than the swinging. It was still fun, but it had some bad draw backs. Maybe I picked the wrong seat on the wrong day.

Oh hello.

It was time for my 3rd Giga Coaster, Leviathan. Well, kind of. There was an hour fifteen wait and then it was time for Leviathan.


Again, high expectations not met. Thankfully, this was actually good. My sister and I got a back seat ride and we were able to leave the two seats in between us empty. The drop was great until it slammed right down into some more B&M rattle. Thankfully, that was the only time it was really bad. It was present and still gave me a headache, but it wasn't close to Behemoth. The rest of the ride was ok. The airtime was strong but all of those "low to the ground turns" everybody raved about were forceless. Sure the speed is there, but I didn't get the whip in the transition I was hoping for. After the final hill, the ride hits Behemoth mode and crawls into the brake run. I enjoyed this one a little more than Millennium Force, but it still couldn't pull off being better than Nitro (still?). At this point, I knew how stupid this park was. The best coaster so far has been a Togo Stand-up coaster that's being torn down. This is where I said that I will not come back here until they get something good.


I was hoping to finally ride a great B&M hyper...

And nope.

Next we went to the nearby (and by nearby I mean under) Arrow coaster, Dragon Fire. Yeah, it was bad. I'm just happy to ride a classic Arrow.

After that was the third and final wooden coaster of the day, Wild Beast. I was naturally excited for this since I loved Grizzly (I'm starting to notice a trend of this being remarkably close to Kings Dominion just with more crap and a better stand-up coaster). I thought this was great. It doesn't have that huge lateral hit on Grizzly, but otherwise it was pretty similar and still quite fun. Great airtime and fun lats. It just can't compete with Grizzly.

Every priority was now done. We went around the park and looked at every line that was left and saw that they were all piling out of the queues and that they would be over an hour, even Backlot. We decided to leave it with an hour wait for Wonder Mountain's Guardian and call it a day so that we didn't crash on the road from exhaustion. It was interesting when an employee allowed someone to line jump because somebody saved the spot for them, despite park policy... that's great. The screens on this thing were kind of cheap but the technology was pretty cool definitely the most fun shooter because everything was on a screen and it was far less confusing. The coaster portion was laughably rough. It didn't hurt, I just questioned why they would even try this. It didn't help the ride. At least it was a +1. I won't spoil anything, but the inside of this has a great surprise so be sure to check it out and don't spoil yourself like I was.

Overall, I thought Canada's Wonderland was a decent park. Obviously, the excessive amount of crap rides and the lack of quality rides really makes this seem bad, but at least the employees were nice enough and everything was moving smoothly. the park was quite beautiful, too with open fields and many gardens. The crowds were excessive, but the park handled it well. I wouldn't want to come back, but I appreciate what the park had to offer.

Good-Bye for a long while!

The drive home (edit: home? that would be horrible!) to the hotel* was smooth enough. The customs officer was nice as was the one on the other side. He was nice enough to make sure we weren't driving back to Jersey from Canada's Wonderland. I thought it was cool for my sister and I (18 and 22) to go to Canada alone and try to work it out. It was a bit scary but it was quite an experience. Now what happens when I want to go to La Ronde to get my rides on Le Monstre before RMC rapes it? They speak French there!

To give you an idea of how weird this park was for me, here is how I ordered the top coasters I rode here:

1.Sky Rider
3.Wild Beast
5.Wonder Mountain's Guardian

Just to show you how meh those B&Ms were. Don't expect them in my final top 20. Next up will be Darien Lake, where there is actually a noteworthy coaster!
Last edited by devilsrule911 on September 9th, 2014, 6:55 pm, edited 2 times in total.
1.Boulder Dash | 2.Legend(HW) | 3.Beast | 4.Ravine Flyer II | 5.Intimdator 305 | 6.Phoenix | 7.Twisted Timbers | 8.Wicked Cyclone | 9.Thunderhead | 10.Storm Chaser

Turbo User avatar

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My god dude, I really envy you. Next time you do a massive trip like this bring me :D
Coaster Count: 582 // Top Five: 1. Helix 2. Nemesis 3. Big Bad Wolf 4. Boulder Dash 5. Balder

Coasterkidmwm wrote:
4 G's to the taint was a bit much for me because I'm not a power bottom like Turbo

Paradox User avatar

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How dare you say that about Behemoth! The back seat was airtime 24/7. I love Behemoth. And BTW surprise in Wonder Mountain=Drop track :D

I hope you post some amazing pics of Bizarro and try to get some construction pics of Cyclone for me too.
Coasterkidmwm wrote:
gouldy wrote:
Just don't employ stupid people and you're golden.

That's like finding a Waffle House with no white trash in it.

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The front seat had airtime through the entire hill, but I fail to see how that makes a great coaster. 1 good B&M drop won't sway my opinion on Behemoth.

Edit: I know what the surprise was, I rode it, but I figured if some people wanted to be surprised I wouldn't spoil it.

Edit2: I won't be going to Six Flags New England until Cyclone opens next year. I'm at school right now, so my theme park season is over.

Turbo wrote:
My god dude, I really envy you. Next time you do a massive trip like this bring me :D

I threw upwards of $1600 down the drain as an 18 year old to go on this trip. I would be willing to take you if you chipped in :D .
1.Boulder Dash | 2.Legend(HW) | 3.Beast | 4.Ravine Flyer II | 5.Intimdator 305 | 6.Phoenix | 7.Twisted Timbers | 8.Wicked Cyclone | 9.Thunderhead | 10.Storm Chaser

TTD03 User avatar
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Didn't realize Canada's Wonderland can get as crowded as Cedar Point, guess Canada's Wonderland is the CP of Canada though.

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It was worse than Cedar Point. I only waited in line for low capacity rides in the beginning of the day so I never waited over 1-1/2 hours. I'm sure if there were big time rides with low capacity like MF, Maverick or TTD, the lines would be worse than Cedar Point. Leviathan and Behemoth are B&Ms though and they have a really high capacity. To give you an idea, imagine waiting an hour fifteen for Nitro, it would seem ridiculous, and that was the line for Leviathan, I think. Either that or it was longer.
1.Boulder Dash | 2.Legend(HW) | 3.Beast | 4.Ravine Flyer II | 5.Intimdator 305 | 6.Phoenix | 7.Twisted Timbers | 8.Wicked Cyclone | 9.Thunderhead | 10.Storm Chaser

TTD03 User avatar
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Wow, actually though, MF has amazing capacity. When the Fast Lane line is closed, and the line right before it closed was 1.5 hours, you go through the whole line in about 45 minutes. The employees themselves even said Fast Lane doubles the length of the regular line.

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^Yeah you're right, I remember it moving pretty quickly. I skipped the line a little bit that day because my sister had almost ruptured her achilles the week before. I was just kind of using my recent memory from Bizarro at SFNE moving really slow to judge that, but Six Flags is Six Flags.

Day 6: Darien Lake

We had bought the tickets for Darien Lake at Top's Friendly Market, which is a supermarket chain in the area and saved $10 off gate price. I would suggest trying that out. This park was nice and close and opened at 10:30, so it was nice to be able to sleep in after the day before. We were still exhausted and getting around Darien Lake wasn't as easy as it could have been. It was a nice medium sized park, though, so there was not much to do. Sadly, though, everything was running 1 train and only had one train (even the Boomerang!! Oh wait...) I was prepared to only ride one good ride today, but got surprised by another, so it ended up being a much better park than expected. The park was generally nice but it was really dead and there were not many people, so it looked like a ghost town.

We got there a few minutes early, so we browsed the gift shop for a bit.

Uhhh... Wrong park?

Once the park opened, we headed directly to Superman: Ride of Steel. I believe this is only death credit #2 along with Bizarro.


Um wow! I suppose I will review every ride I got on this which ended up being a total of 5. First ride was the back seat and it was great. It was about the same for me as Superman, except it was actually smooth, but this was one of the first rides of the day, and I rode Superman mid-day. When we went back later, this thing was running amazingly! Out of this world laterals on the second helix and crazy amounts of airtime at the finale all approaching the level of the first 2 hills on El Toro. I greyed so badly on the first helix I almost blacked. It was reminiscent of I305. I don't know why, but Superman doesn't compete with this. This one is just out of control. I know everybody complains about the straight away in the middle of the ride, but I think it works rather well. Would I rather it be an airtime hill? Yes. But I still think that it is an interesting choice that isn't as stupid as everybody thinks. It really keeps that sensation of speed, and it builds anticipation for that next hill which is where the ride picks up into high gear. It is just like some of those pathetic turns on Leviathan, except it knows its pathetic and it still works better with the rest of the ride. I love that second helix to death because I have never gotten laterals like that on an Intamin. Now is it near the level of Ravine Flyer II or Phantom? No, but it is definitely one of the better rides on the trip. I just don't think the pacing is up there with rides like those or even Bizarro. I placed this at #10, ahead of Intrimidator 305 (which I'm sure would be ahead of it if I rode it now) and behind Manta at SeaWorld Orlando.

I surprisingly hit my hand on the grass a few times on the first turn. I did not have to reach my hand out that far.

It was cool seeing the coaster when coming into the park.

My sister loved it, but she agrees with me that there needs to be a little something more to make this superior.

We went back for another ride, but the ride broke down while we were in line. All 3 times this happened that day we waited it out. Except the 3rd time we left, went to Predator and came back to a shorter line

Next up was Predator. We wouldn't bother with the Boomerang first because everything was running one train anyway.


I made a smart decision riding the front seat. If I had ridden back, I would not have ridden this again because there is an un-worldy difference between the front and back. All I will say about the back is don't do it. It slams pretty hard, is quite rough and has no airtime. As for the front, I really liked this ride. Tons of airtime all over the place, great laterals and one crazy pop of airtime in the middle of the ride. Sadly, the ride kind of dies down near the end and doesn't do much. As for the roughness, it was there but not once would I have complained about any pain. Just make sure you stay off the wheel seat, and this should be fine. I can't see why this gets as much hate as it does, but I'm glad because I was quite surprised by just how awesome this was. This is really quite a great ride and would be sad to see another one of these gems go down to RMC, if the rumors hold true.

My sister loved it, too.

After 2 rides on each, we decided to grab pizza. I can say that I ran into one of the worst park employees I have seen. She wasn't rude, but she was not doing her job well at all. When we got there, it was empty because it was early for lunch. She was on her phone trying to tell them she was at work. We asked for 3 slices, which were $5 each (big slices), and a cup of water (which is law for us to be able to get). She then told me we could take a water bottle for free. We asked if we could have an extra cup, and she told us it was fine, we could just take a bottle... Annoyed, we decided to try to deal with it and move on. She took a while to try to get the register to work for 3 slices of pizza... When she told me it was $15, I handed her a 20. She came back with $15 and handed it to me. I gave her a look. When I said, "I thought this was supposed to be $15, she said, yes here is $15. We then took about 30 seconds trying to explain how math works before she gave me a $5 bill and apologized. The other guy working there seemed to be avoiding any contact with the situation. I'm starting to doubt Herschend's reputation for great employees.

We then headed over to the Boomerang before we were met by people exiting the queue.

Broken down, what a surprise. I expect more from Vekoma... Wait no I don't.

We then headed to the Zamperla Moto Coaster in the park, Moto Coaster.


I really liked Steeplechase at Coney Island, but this was not as good. The launch gave a last second push that shoved you right into the next hill rather painfully. The rest of the ride was pretty rough. I'm pretty sure this is the first of its kind, so I'll give it a break.

Next up was the Arrow looper, Viper. I love watching these big Arrow coasters go. They are aesthetically fantastic and have always intimidated me.


Too bad every single one of these hurt like hell. They are all miserable and this was no exception. Though it was nice to bring back memories of the good old days of my youth. Great American Scream Machine was the one coaster I always wanted to ride as a kid, but was too short. I loved the way it towered over the parking lot and how awesomely tall the loops were. This is not the same, but I appreciated the similarities.

I love how the queue goes right through the structure. I thought it was adorable how excessively long the queue was. It's like they thought there would be crowds.

My sister wanted to avoid the Boomerang to avoid 2 painful coasters in a row. I laughed at her ignorance. She was lucky she was spared the SLC at CW. Instead, we get to ride Mind Eraser, which seems to be the only name of an SLC I will ever ride.


I had warned her, but nothing can prepare you for this. In fact, this is worse than the one at Six Flags New England. You just get battered around at every point of this ride. The only redeeming quality of these rides is the raised banked turn before the Immelmann, but even that sucks. I think I have a new least favorite coaster, now.

Now it was time for a better coaster that still sucks horribly, Boomerang. I know you are going to say "but it's called Boomerang Coast to Coaster," but you're wrong. Nowhere in the park or on the website does it say "Coast to Coaster." Therefore, I will not be using the name on RCDB. ( :lol: I'm pretty sure nobody would have noticed that I used a different name if I hadn't said anything)


It was ok for a Boomerang; not too rough at all. Still not good though.

We followed up with a few flat rides including the "refuse to pop" flyers and the S&S launch tower. It was quite hot, so the line for the log flume was not worth it.

We finished off with a few rides on Ride of Steel and Predator enjoying the many break downs Ride of Steel had throughout the day and finally left.

Overall, I really liked the park. Ride of Steel is amazing and Predator is wonderful. The park is ok, but the employees were sub-par. I probably won't return until something new came, but with such a reasonable price, you never know.


Next will be the final park of the year and this report, Seabreeze. I may have a concluding post separate from Seabreeze so look out for that, too. Thanks again for reading!
Last edited by devilsrule911 on September 10th, 2014, 10:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.
1.Boulder Dash | 2.Legend(HW) | 3.Beast | 4.Ravine Flyer II | 5.Intimdator 305 | 6.Phoenix | 7.Twisted Timbers | 8.Wicked Cyclone | 9.Thunderhead | 10.Storm Chaser

Posts: 1027
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Bank: 1,341.05 Points
Darien Lake is my home park, so let me clarify some things for you.

Predator sucks. You never should have ridden it. It sucked back in 90 and it sucks today. The RMC remodel seems to have gone away for it.

Viper used to have crowds. It was the first coaster in the world to have 5 inversions, and it was the first coaster for Darien Lake. Not to mention the only (real) coaster for 8 years. Before Superman came along, it was one of the best rides in the park.

The banked turn near the station used to be smooth. Has it gotten worse?

I already know what you're going to say about Seabreeze. Crap shoot of a park, and it's more like a permanent carnival than an actual park. I've only been once and it was terrible.
Originally posted by GerstlCrazy
Cool! The name is Fly Over Rainforest?
I was under the impression the name was Green Coaster Goes Fast Goes High Has Clockwise Loop Has Straight Upside Down Four Seats Two On Each Side Fast Coaster?

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Location: New Jersey, USA
NightwindElf wrote:
Darien Lake is my home park, so let me clarify some things for you.

Predator sucks. You never should have ridden it. It sucked back in 90 and it sucks today. The RMC remodel seems to have gone away for it.

Except every single ride I got in the front seat was great, so I don't know what you're complaining about. If you're going to say it's too rough, you haven't seen rough. That is, of course, assuming you sit the very front seat. It is on the verge of being a little too much, so I can imagine if you sit in the back of the car, it would hurt like a bitch, but front was totally bearable and the airtime was great.

Viper used to have crowds. It was the first coaster in the world to have 5 inversions, and it was the first coaster for Darien Lake. Not to mention the only (real) coaster for 8 years. Before Superman came along, it was one of the best rides in the park.

That was kind of a joke. I was teasing about how empty the park was.

The banked turn near the station used to be smooth. Has it gotten worse?

If you're talking about the last one, it wasn't that bad because it didn't really do anything.

I already know what you're going to say about Seabreeze. Crap shoot of a park, and it's more like a permanent carnival than an actual park. I've only been once and it was terrible.

It is exactly what it should be. That's what small parks generally are, a lot of basic flats. Jack Rabbit was really enjoyable, Bobsleds was really interesting, and the log flume was amazing. I have nothing to complain about. It is just a small local park for people to enjoy a few hours at. I see nothing wrong with that.
1.Boulder Dash | 2.Legend(HW) | 3.Beast | 4.Ravine Flyer II | 5.Intimdator 305 | 6.Phoenix | 7.Twisted Timbers | 8.Wicked Cyclone | 9.Thunderhead | 10.Storm Chaser

Posts: 1240
Points on hand: 6,869.00 Points
Location: New Jersey, USA
Day 7: Seabreeze and drive home

The park opened at 11, but we decided to leave early because we got packed pretty quickly. We took a quick little detour and went under the runway at Buffalo Niagara Airport since our hotel was right there.

They seem to stop traffic if a plane is coming overhead, but we didn't run into that. In fact, we hadn't seen too many planes at all while we were there and the sound pollution was not existent in our hotel room. I liked the hotel as it fit our needs perfectly. I would recommend it to anybody who wants to hit these parks.

Seabreeze wasn't too badly out of the way, even despite us having to go south later, so it wasn't too much of a hassle to stop there. When we saw the Rochester skyline, we knew we were close.

I never realized how large of a city Rochester is. I just thought it was just a highly populated town.

Finally, we arrived at the park.

The view of Lake Ontario was great, but nothing compares to seeing Lake Erie when cresting the drop of Ravine Flyer II.

We parked in the parking lot for the water park by accident, so we had a bit of hike through the water park to get to the good stuff. We didn't realize that there was more than one entrance and parking lot. The price was ok with the free parking, so we were happy.

First ride of the day was Jack Rabbit, my 150th coaster. We had to wait a while at the queue for it to open, but we were able to get the first front seat ride of the day.


I really liked this coaster. There was airtime on every hill and the entrance into the turnaround and the entrance into the brake brought me out of the seat with the raised lapbars. It wasn't anything spectacular, but it is a pleasantly fun little ride. It was worth the stop. We took a ride in the back, which was not as good and lacked any serious airtime.

The park brags that this is the oldest continuously operating coaster in North America. However, it was also built in the same year as Jack Rabbit at Kennywood, so is it really? I've ridden both of them, so it doesn't matter anyway.

The awkward shaping of the drop was quite interesting.

I liked the way these Morgan trains rode and the restraints were nice and loose.

We decided to walk over towards Whirlwind and Bobsleds. This is where we find out that some rides open at 12. That includes Whirlwind... That's not the kind of ride I would expect to open later, but I'm not going to complain because when it opened, I was able to get the first ride. First though, we had to get our ride on Bobsleds.


This was a very weird coaster, but it was quite fun and interesting. I liked accelerating down the hill during the pre-lift section. I also loved that there was this little part where, in the back of the car, I had no idea where the coaster was going to turn and it quickly pulled under the structure in an s-turn. It wasn't amazing, but it was unique and fun. This is one of those coasters that Six Flags refuses to consider a hybrid when they brag about Iron Rattler being the second steel hybrid.


We took a few rides on Jack Rabbit again and came back to Whirlwind at 12 to wait at the queue. A few minutes later they began testing and opened the coaster.


My sister knew it was the same type of spinning coaster as Steel Dragon, but when she realized it was the exact same thing, she was almost angry. At least this was better than Steel Dragon. None of the weird kinks were in the track like Steel Dragon, but it still wasn't amazing and this one didn't spin too much. Backwards over that drop was great as it was before.

We then head towards the log flume now that it was open.


Wow that drop is crazy. The airtime coming out of that boat is unbelievable. This is definitely worth a try if you ever go to Seabreeze. It wasn't hot that day, so the water did not feel too good.


We rode a few flat rides, got our last ride on Jack Rabbit, and got back on the road. Overall, I really liked the park. Obviously, it is missing anything outstanding, but it has a nice charm to it and all the rides are somewhat fun. It is worth checking out if you're in the area.

That concluded our trip. We took a 5 1/2 hour drive back home and passed out. Later today or tomorrow, I will post my concluding thoughts on the trip where I will be saying what my favorite new rides this year were, my updated top 20, and what my favorite parks were, so be sure to keep an eye out for that. Thanks again for reading.
1.Boulder Dash | 2.Legend(HW) | 3.Beast | 4.Ravine Flyer II | 5.Intimdator 305 | 6.Phoenix | 7.Twisted Timbers | 8.Wicked Cyclone | 9.Thunderhead | 10.Storm Chaser

Post September 11th, 2014, 9:28 pm
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Post September 11th, 2014, 9:45 pm

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This was my best year to date with a total of 45 new coasters, 18 of them wooden. This includes 10 new parks and 4 I'd already been to and a road trip containing 8 of those. I ended up riding a total of 68 different coasters (old and new) in one year. Next year will be much quieter for me. I don't think this will be happening again next year since I threw over half my savings on the parks I had to pay for. Here is the information on my favorites and least favorites of the year:

Favorite New Park: Kennywood
Least Favorite New Park: Martin's Fantasy Island
Least Favorite New Coaster: Mind Eraser at Darien Lake

Top 10 new coasters:
1.Ravine Flyer II
2.Phantom's Revenge
3.Ride of Steel
4.Superman: Ride of Steel
5.Silver Comet
6.Sky Rider
8.Wild One
10.Sky Rocket

Here is an updated top 20 at the end of this year:

1.Boulder Dash
2.Ravine Flyer II
5.Phantom's Revenge
7.El Toro (Gadv)
8.Bizarro (SFNE)
9.Manta (SWO)
10.Ride of Steel
11.Intrimidator 305
12.Kumba (BGT)
13.Superman: Ride of Steel
15.Storm Runner
17.Silver Comet
19.Coney Island Cyclone
*Cyclone (SFNE)
20.White Lightning

I would definitely recommend taking this trip to anybody. Though I still believe there are better possibilities for trips, this is still a very good trip, especially if you love wooden coasters as much as I do. What's also great is that some of you weird people will think that Leviathan and Behemoth are great, so there are that many more greats for others to enjoy. Sadly, though, 2 of the great coasters I rode on this trip will or likely will be gone if anybody gets a chance to do it. I'm glad I did a lot of "cleaning house" on this trip so I don't have to return for some of the smaller parks that won't have anything new anytime soon. I would love to do a trip like this again in a few years, but I won't go over 9 days of parks because otherwise I would give up from exhaustion. Thanks everybody for reading and I'll see you next year!
1.Boulder Dash | 2.Legend(HW) | 3.Beast | 4.Ravine Flyer II | 5.Intimdator 305 | 6.Phoenix | 7.Twisted Timbers | 8.Wicked Cyclone | 9.Thunderhead | 10.Storm Chaser

TTD03 User avatar
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Fantastic trip report, thank YOU for posting this, best one we have seen in years.

Posts: 8144
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Worth reading all schedules! Such a fun park report does help people go to the better parks! =)
-- I was happy to be with NL1. --

Personal coaster count as of 3/2025 -- 222
"500" perhaps by the end of this year.
I will be a Thai citizen if possible in a few years.

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I forgive you for not liking Behemoth because Boulder Dash is your Number 1.
Coasterkidmwm wrote:
gouldy wrote:
Just don't employ stupid people and you're golden.

That's like finding a Waffle House with no white trash in it.

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Yeah - go Kennywood! Glad you loved the park, it truly is an amazing place unlike any other. People get so hooked on places like Cedar Point and Six Flags that they forget to look for the charm :D

Amazing report as well, I haven't been on the forum long but I'd say that's the best one in a while!

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mkingy User avatar

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Fantastic Trip Report - I'll certainly be bookmarking it in case I find myself over that way (I most certainly hope I do) Thanks Devilsrule!
Coaster Count - 198
France 2019 Mini Trip Report

Post September 15th, 2014, 12:55 pm

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Thanks for all of the positive feedback! I love sharing my opinions, so it is great that other people are enjoying it too!

Paradox wrote:
I forgive you for not liking Behemoth because Boulder Dash is your Number 1.

That's because Boulder Dash is actually good.
1.Boulder Dash | 2.Legend(HW) | 3.Beast | 4.Ravine Flyer II | 5.Intimdator 305 | 6.Phoenix | 7.Twisted Timbers | 8.Wicked Cyclone | 9.Thunderhead | 10.Storm Chaser

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