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Dorney Park Recreations for RCT3

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Post September 21st, 2014, 8:03 pm

Posts: 86
Points on hand: 1,157.00 Points
Steel Force.JPG
Steel Force
I had the pleasure to visit Dorney Park this year and here are recreations for some of the rollercoasters I rode there. I rode 5 and recreated 3. This is just for fun, obviously, this is RCT3 and not No Limits plus I'm probably not good enough to do no limits anyway but I enjoyed making them and if it brings joy to anybody else in their own RCT 3 game, I'd be delighted. ... y-dimmusak

Post September 21st, 2014, 8:46 pm

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Location: SW Pennsylvania

Post September 22nd, 2014, 3:10 am

Posts: 2317
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Location: pennsylvania, USA
steel force looks great for rct3, but Talon is much less complicated than what you have, Hydra the elements are in the right order but what makes it difficult to do properly do in RCT3 is the really steep terrain that it sits on, the hill is steep enough that the crests of the cobra roll are about the same height as the top of the roof in the station
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