As some of you may know, in 2010 Kennywood replaced the classic Turnpike flat ride with the new Skyrocket rollercoaster, with plans to bring it back in the future. Many forgot about their promise until a few months ago, when this car mysteriously showed up at the front entrance.
Almost instantly fans began to freak out with "Is this the return of the Turnpike?!" all because car #15 showed up next to the Skyrocket. Personally, I'd love to see the Turnpike make a return, but I'm just not buying it for 2015. The park has not done any significant clearing that would allow room to build the Turnpike (which if you've ever been to Kennywood, you'd know that the park is surrounded by a road on one end, and a cliff on the other). What is catching my attention, is that it's already been over 2 years (counting from May 2012) since our newest ride. Kennywood usually sticks to the tradition of adding a new ride every other year, and the last time there was a gap this big we were granted Skyrocket back in 2010. I'd say by at least 2017, we're due for another coaster. Thoughts?
Still holding onto my wild fantasy that RMC is going to reach out to Kennywood and build an amazing original coaster over the cliffs behind the Racer and Jack Rabbit

And for those freaking out over Black Widow (which is apparently more intense among you guys than I thought) here's a POV: