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Post September 27th, 2014, 1:25 pm

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Is it just me or did anyone else have much higher expectations for 2015?

Wicked Cyclone -

Best announced ride so far. I think RMC put all their creative juices into this and TC is just the sloppy afterbirth

Twisted Colossus -

Not even going there with everything wrong with this again

Laff Trakk -

This looks so trippy! Cool idea but I just now realized it's an Xtended SC2000 like steel Dragon at Waldameer. I was hoping for a custom layout as these... Aren't that interesting

Batman>SFFT -

Screaming Zacspin. This ride just looks dumb. Just... dumb. S&S basically created the whole wingrider idea (since they bought Arrow). All thier expiriance with 4d coasters and the cool El Loco-ish free fly coaster I thought this was going to be insane. Instead it's a Screaming Squirrel with bunny hops. MEH!

Thunderbird -

One of the better announcements I guess but given the fact that it's the first steel coaster at a park of legendary wooden coasters I was hoping for a lot more. Especially since it costs almost as much as Gatekeeper with so much hype and teasing all year. They could have gotten duelling Outlaw Runs for that price XD

Rougaurou -

What happens when you step on a Mantis? It turns into a French werewolf. I can't even...

Impulse>Knoebels -

Again, they got burned with Flying Turns I get it. But this doesn't fit the park at all. So many other designs would have been a better fit for the park and space and a lot of them cheaper as well, I can't wrap my mind around what they were thinking.

Fury325 -

Everyones already over it and it hasn't even been built yet. B&M really fell off lately

Cannibal>Lagoon -

That is one FUGLY lookin' ride. If it doesn't freefall drop or have a dark ride in that tower I'm boycotting that park

K?????RNAN >Hansa

Same as above. Looks like a grain silo. what is with these parks? I didn't realize 2015 was murder your skyline year


This is probably the worst. It's basically a carnival coaster. Are they broke? Let's all send them some money so they can get a real coaster for 2016

If anyone ever needed proof that parks don't listen to fans it's this year. This is just with the major announced coasters, not even getting into the Super Loop storm hitting the US. What is with these parks?

there is still hope for 2015 announcements though

Cannibal still hasn't spilled all the plot twists and same with Karnan.

Gardaland still is keeping the wraps on their Dive coaster

And China is getting another crazy S&S launched coaster! MAKE ONE HERE DAMMIT!

Post September 27th, 2014, 1:34 pm

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Not all of them are disappointing I'm excited for a lot of the exspecly wc and fury some of the names thought are just dumb couldn't they think of something else

Post September 27th, 2014, 1:36 pm
Turbo User avatar

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I feel like you're being a little too harsh. Sure some of the rides didn't meet mega high expectations but there's still a lot of innovating being done. That said you do bring up some good points.
Coaster Count: 582 // Top Five: 1. Helix 2. Nemesis 3. Big Bad Wolf 4. Boulder Dash 5. Balder

Coasterkidmwm wrote:
4 G's to the taint was a bit much for me because I'm not a power bottom like Turbo

Post September 27th, 2014, 1:40 pm
Paradox User avatar

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Since when was there confirmation of BGE's ride? Also, how are you disappointed with Cannibal? It is a 200+ft drop at 116 degrees. That is a very crazy idea and I am excited for that ride.
Coasterkidmwm wrote:
gouldy wrote:
Just don't employ stupid people and you're golden.

That's like finding a Waffle House with no white trash in it.

Post September 27th, 2014, 1:48 pm

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I'm mostly disappointed in the carnival looping rides not so much because they can be found at the state or county fairs but because they're advertised as coasters. I expected Twisted Colossus to be more than it is but I'm not necessarily disappointed. Same with Thunderbird.
I am also kinda disappointed by T3 being a "main new thing" as well. Just a refurbished old ride. New name, new trains, and new colors. And the gp will probably think it's a completely new ride. If they ran the train backwards that might be a little more exciting. Even a completely new clone would be more exciting. Tho I think 'Cyclos' makes up for that disappointment.
Still, I can probably enjoy T3 for what it is.
Last edited by Soko on September 27th, 2014, 1:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Post September 27th, 2014, 1:49 pm

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There wasnt a announcement yet for bge but track already came in ^

Post September 27th, 2014, 1:49 pm

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I'm not disappointed at all...yet.

First off...none of us have been on any of these rides yet. So there is room for lots of surprises. Unless people are just that jaded at this point, which would be sad.

Secondly, there are always going to be years where parks just add to what they already have in their line up, so you're not going to get blockbusters every year.

Thirdly, there are plenty of great rides out there, even if you take away what's coming next year. If you find 2015 so meh, go ride the great ones you haven't been on yet.

Life is too short to focus on so much negative. Just my two cents.
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Post September 27th, 2014, 2:01 pm

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Turbo wrote:
I feel like you're being a little too harsh. Sure some of the rides didn't meet mega high expectations but there's still a lot of innovating being done. That said you do bring up some good points.

There is some new tricks for designers, but not much new for ride experiences. Especially for B&M... I think it should be way cheaper to launch than to build a lift to reach the same speed. At least with production costs since there is so much less steel, work hours, equipment, track fabrication... Unless they are paying to make B&M do it, I don't get why the course is so simplistic. After it leaves the launch it's any other coaster traveling at that speed. Why would making it launch, cause for such a standard layout? I do love that they have a slow-mo roll. I rode that on Banshee this year and they are awesome! They are probably factoring in theming, and area development too which would totally make up for it. But to cost 3mil less than the largest ever made it doesn't seem to have anything to make up for that lack of a decent drop =\

- Manic Monte

actually most of these are different versions of rides that have been around for years. Of course everyone is happy to get a new ride even if its a super loop. But if you promote a blockbuster HAVE A BLOCKBUSTER! and a lot of us have been on these rides. If you've been on a wing rider you know how they feel, if you've been on a zacspin you know how they feel, if you've been on a spinning coaster you know how it feels. You don't have to get burned every way possible to know that getting burned hurts right?

Forums are for discussions and debates, you don't need to fanboy every post XD

SkyArrow wrote:
I'm mostly disappointed in the carnival looping rides not so much because they can be found at the state or county fairs but because they're advertised as coasters. I expected Twisted Colossus to be more than it is but I'm not necessarily disappointed. Same with Thunderbird.
I am also kinda disappointed by T3 being a "main new thing" as well. Just a refurbished old ride. New name, new trains, and new colors. And the gp will probably think it's a completely new ride. If they ran the train backwards that might be a little more exciting. Even a completely new clone would be more exciting. Tho I think 'Cyclos' makes up for that disappointment.
Still, I can probably enjoy T3 for what it is.

I was looking more along the lines of what was promoted and what we actually get. With KK I'm happy that it's coming back to life! I've ridden a Cyclos at Coney Island and they are super fun rides. I hope they can restore the Twisted twins as well someday, that was an awesome set of coasters

Post September 27th, 2014, 2:09 pm

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^ I may not need to, but I choose to. And that's also a legitimate point of discussion right?

And if you feel that all rides are just retreads of rides that have come before them, and nothing post construction can possibly surprise you anymore, well there's your problem right there imo.

But i get it, for the sake of discussion, these types of threads must exist. My take on things is just more positive. Hope that's okay? :)

I certainly don't love every ride once I have ridden them, but this industry still excites me, even when not every announcement makes sense on the outset. [lol]
Intamin: The Force Awakens.

Post September 27th, 2014, 2:20 pm

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What I'm saying is that if you've been on enough coasters (and my count is over 250) you can get a pretty good sense of it, especially when they tell you all the stats and give you renders and POVs. I already have trips planned to SFFT, carowinds, and SFNE for next year and hopefully more park plans in the future more months. As far as my "problem"... I respect your opinions, even though you just say "think better" and don't actually add facts or views, please respect mine as well XD

Paradox wrote:
Since when was there confirmation of BGE's ride? Also, how are you disappointed with Cannibal? It is a 200+ft drop at 116 degrees. That is a very crazy idea and I am excited for that ride.

That drop is insane, but omg that tower looks horrible

Post September 27th, 2014, 2:27 pm

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I absolutely respect everyone's opinions. But opinions are not facts sir. So I can disagree with your opinions (and you mine) and keep the discussion civil. And for the record, i agree will your thoughts on Thunderbird... :mrgreen:

Intamin: The Force Awakens.

Post September 27th, 2014, 2:31 pm

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^ so far your opinions have been about me and my views, not about about the rides themselves. so...

Post September 27th, 2014, 2:36 pm

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Thunderbird, Fury 325, and Wicked Cyclone, I couldn't be more excited.

Post September 27th, 2014, 2:37 pm

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^^My original point was meant to be more of a general statement based on a lot of complaining I've seen on other boards, not just this one. I didn't mean for you to take it personally. You do make some good points I thought, so no it's fine. 8-)
Intamin: The Force Awakens.

Post September 27th, 2014, 2:51 pm

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^^^ That may be in the way you present your argument. Its very aggressive and very negative, just about all your posts are honestly. If you can't get even a little bit excited about whats new and you've been on so many that its boring you kind of have to ask yourself if you're still an enthusiast or if you're moving on.

Onto the coasters themselves, I think WC is definitely the stand out project this year, it packs a lot into such a small space. Laff Track and impulse are probably the only new coasters I'll get to go on next year and I'm pretty excited for them both honestly while the coaster part of laff track is an off the shelf model all the theming will put it up there as one of the most interesting and "amusing" attractions in the northeast.Hershey is a family oriented park, and to accomplish this not every coaster can be like skyrush or storm runner. Also I maybe showing my backwoods roots here but whats wrong with grain silos?
What are these for?

Post September 27th, 2014, 3:06 pm
Paradox User avatar

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I wish Impulse had a launch like wicked instead of the vertical lift.
Coasterkidmwm wrote:
gouldy wrote:
Just don't employ stupid people and you're golden.

That's like finding a Waffle House with no white trash in it.

Post September 27th, 2014, 3:07 pm

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LuckyK wrote:

Thunderbird -
One of the better announcements I guess but given the fact that it's the first steel coaster at a park of legendary wooden coasters I was hoping for a lot more. Especially since it costs almost as much as Gatekeeper with so much hype and teasing all year. They could have gotten duelling Outlaw Runs for that price XD

I'll defend this ride til I die. xD

But my opinion on it is, Thunderbird is just the beginning of a new era for Holiday World. The Raven for example was Holiday World's first major coaster ever. They started off small, adding some nice elements that really stood out at the time for a small park such as themselves. The Raven was actually the #1 ranked wooden roller coaster on the planet for quite some time. Holiday World just doesn't do things to do them, they do it for a reason, and to improve upon the park. So when the time came, the decision was made in 2005 to move ahead with what was at the time the largest expansion in the parks history, Thanksgiving. Which included what is considered by many the best wooden coaster on the planet (According to TIME magazine, previously Amusement Today, and Me... :lol: ) The Voyage. They're not going to jump the gun on their first Steel project, they're going to wait until were least expecting it, and throw us all for a spin. Thunderbird also includes the tallest loop on a Wing Coaster, which is definitely a great record to have, because there is nothing more terrifying to look down while you're hanging 125 feet in the air with nothing below you except the ground. While Thunderbird may not be the longest, fastest, or tallest, it's definitely something I can't wait for. Hopefully, Oscar can work things out with Holiday World, so I can attend the media preview where I'll take at least a thousand photo's and some great footage for the CC YouTube channel.

Post September 27th, 2014, 3:08 pm
TTD03 User avatar
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I am very excited for Wicked Cyclone and Rougarou!
Also, Dorney hasn't announced their 2015 plans yet!

Post September 27th, 2014, 3:15 pm

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^ I totally agree with you! my trip to Holiday World I was absolutely floored! That park blew me away at every turn. Thunderbird just doesn't seem to have the same attention as the rest of the park, and takes up so much space y'know? It's definitely the biggest steel coaster in the state so mad credit there but why this? It doesn't really seem to fit. Being your home park do you have more insight?

Parks I'm waiting to hear seasons announcements for
King's Island

anyone have any others?

Post September 27th, 2014, 3:18 pm

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You'd actually be surprised as to how little space Thunderbird actually takes up. It's all tucked away in the woods behind the Voyage. Apparently there's a 5 year plan going on starting next year that's going to blow everyone's minds, and Thunderbird will eventually lie in the center of the parks.

Post September 27th, 2014, 3:25 pm
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Rickrollercoaster wrote:
LuckyK wrote:

Thunderbird -
One of the better announcements I guess but given the fact that it's the first steel coaster at a park of legendary wooden coasters I was hoping for a lot more. Especially since it costs almost as much as Gatekeeper with so much hype and teasing all year. They could have gotten duelling Outlaw Runs for that price XD

I'll defend this ride til I die. xD

But my opinion on it is, Thunderbird is just the beginning of a new era for Holiday World. The Raven for example was Holiday World's first major coaster ever. They started off small, adding some nice elements that really stood out at the time for a small park such as themselves. The Raven was actually the #1 ranked wooden roller coaster on the planet for quite some time. Holiday World just doesn't do things to do them, they do it for a reason, and to improve upon the park. So when the time came, the decision was made in 2005 to move ahead with what was at the time the largest expansion in the parks history, Thanksgiving. Which included what is considered by many the best wooden coaster on the planet (According to TIME magazine, previously Amusement Today, and Me... :lol: ) The Voyage. They're not going to jump the gun on their first Steel project, they're going to wait until were least expecting it, and throw us all for a spin. Thunderbird also includes the tallest loop on a Wing Coaster, which is definitely a great record to have, because there is nothing more terrifying to look down while you're hanging 125 feet in the air with nothing below you except the ground. While Thunderbird may not be the longest, fastest, or tallest, it's definitely something I can't wait for. Hopefully, Oscar can work things out with Holiday World, so I can attend the media preview where I'll take at least a thousand photo's and some great footage for the CC YouTube channel.

I agree, its not the fastest or most intense ride ever, but it is a great addition to the park and I think every aspect of it is amazing. Also, Voyage can be considered the second best wooden coaster, behind Boulder Dash because CCI is better than Gravity Group in every possible way. :D
Coasterkidmwm wrote:
gouldy wrote:
Just don't employ stupid people and you're golden.

That's like finding a Waffle House with no white trash in it.

Post September 27th, 2014, 3:25 pm

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Gotta have faith in the family lol. I wonder how hard the launch is, did they say? And is anything going in the center? because it is definitely the least compact out of all the wings

Post September 27th, 2014, 3:30 pm

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Something tells me theres not going to be an announcement for dorney this year. But theres always hope that Six Flags is done with RMC and cedar fair picks up some contract with them. A nice outlaw run like ride in the small patch of woods they have would be kind of awesome
What are these for?

Post September 27th, 2014, 3:30 pm

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From what I've heard, they have more than enough space to grow for years and years to come. They plan on demolishing the current employee parking lot to use for future expansions as well.

Post September 27th, 2014, 3:42 pm

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