So we are doing this new thing on our various Social Media pages (mainly Twitter) where we will periodically ask trivia questions throughout the day on Twitter, and the first person to correctly answer the question, will win 5 points onto their CoasterCrazy account!
The rules are pretty simple and straightforward...
You must be following @CoasterCrazy on Twitter.
When we post the question, the first person to answer the question correctly wins. The order of submissions will be determined by the order that the responses appear on Twitter.
The limit per CoasterCrazy account is 3 wins per day (24 hours) and 3 tries per question (unless otherwise specified). This is to just keep the game fair to others.
Try not to use the Internet to cheat and get the answers, it makes it less fun for you and for others who might actually know the answer without Googling it but didn't see the Trivia question as soon as you did.
On twitter, @CoasterCrazy and @TTD03 can and will make final decisions on winners.
When you win, we will ask you to provide your CoasterCrazy username as an @ reply to either @CoasterCrazy or @TTD03.
You will more often than not, recieve your points from me (TTD03) instead of Oscar or another admin/mod, as I (TTD03) will be doing most of these Trivia questions.
The Trivia questions will be based on many parks around America and Europe, and maybe on the rare chance, Japan or China, for cool5

If you have any questions, feel free to ask here as a forum post reply, or you can PM me.
Also, don't forget to follow us on Twitter, like us on Facebook, and follow us on Instagram!
The links to our various social media pages can be found on the homepage of, as well as right below this!
Thanks everyone and good luck!
Update 1:
If you do not have a Twitter, we strongly suggest you make one, as we post news instantly on there as soon as we get it, so that you get the most updated info as soon as possible. Here is the link to make a Twitter if you do not have one.