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Holiday World Adds a Launched WingRider - Pics and Video!

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TTD03 wrote:
Wonderful! Guess for me, it's gonna be another superstorm Sandy winter for me!

Were you part of Snowmaggedon back in 2010? Now THAT was a winter to remember!

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^ Hmm, not ringing a bell, I'll have to look back a bit. The earliest I can remember when hell really started to break loose, was Hurricane Irene back in '11 I think.

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I wasn't in the country during the December 25 snowstorm back in 2010, but I was here during that HUGE storm in February 2011. Anyway, back on topic, I think it's smart that they're installing the launch, brake, and electrical components before the winter sets in. I said it once and I'll say it again, construction is going ridiculously fast :D
It's been a long time
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It was 2011 for snowmageddon! I missed 4 days of school for that :lol:

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The snowstorm we had back in 2009, Mpther of God that was terrible. My house was one of the few houses in the city that never lost power. My entire family was staying over at my house. It was insane. My house is a 4 bed 3 bath and still wasn't big enough. 22 people in one house is a horrible idea.
Last edited by Rickrollercoaster on September 30th, 2014, 5:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Rickrollercoaster wrote:
... 22 people in one house is a horrible idea.

That's a typical Mexican household, I should know!
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Paradox wrote:
No need to tell Oscar about the problems. He is magic.

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Oscar wrote:
Rickrollercoaster wrote:
... 22 people in one house is a horrible idea.

That's a typical Mexican household, I should know!

I'm crying. :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Oh, so there's been different Snowmaggedons :lol: Ours was in 2010 - we missed an entire week of school after almost 3 feet of snow fell overnight!

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Last winter... The temperature here in ferenheight and Celsius were the same. -40

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Since we've gone way off topic and started talking about winters, I'll just put in the North East Pennsylvania has bad winters regularly. Last year between the amount of snow and the amount of salt Penndot put down the street my house was on got so riddled with potholes people were losing tire rims in front of my house. My girlfriend at the time has a picture of our neighbors putting the rims on a snowbank to mark a sort of grave yard
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NJ has a bad winter almost every year :lol: . It seems the winter of 05 was really bad, and the construction of Kingda Ka was plagued by bad weather. It gave them the hell of a time to build in that snow XD. Hopefully this doesn't delay construction of Thunderbird!
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This one winter I remember we in the UK got over a foot of snow before the rain melted it away!!!!!
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Oscar wrote:
Rickrollercoaster wrote:
... 22 people in one house is a horrible idea.

That's a typical Mexican household, I should know!

Omg I am really dying here. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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:D This is my favorite so far
10372796_711887385561061_2126387505684699237_n.jpg (41.97 KiB) Viewed 1624 times

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That's awesome! Where'd you find that photo?

Here's my current favorite:

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RCT3rox wrote:
:D This is my favorite so far

Yep, my favorite too!

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Rickrollercoaster wrote:
That's awesome! Where'd you find that photo?

Here's my current favorite:

It's in the Facebook Gallery

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They took the splash cam placed on top of the Bakuli and moved it to also be another Construction cam:

Screen Shot 2014-10-02 at 9.08.46 AM.png

Screen Shot 2014-10-02 at 9.08.14 AM.png

Screen Shot 2014-10-02 at 9.07.46 AM.png

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the first camera is what cp needs to do of how you can control it

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^ thank you, I really hope CP could implement that some how.
I know remote control of the camera exists cause CP staff does it every day.
If they could just incorporate it into the site where users could control it, that would be amazing!


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