I wasn't sure whether to ask this here or in NL2 because it's (kind of, not really) a comparison question but it's really more about NL1 so I figured this was probably the place to do it.
I am mostly using NL2 these days but still noodle around in NL1 from time-to-time. One of the biggest reasons I was excited to make the switch is because I use a mac and for a long time didn't have access to tools (which weren't worth installing Windows for, though I did so for NL2). My point is that I only ever hand-built in NL1, and still only hand build.
I'm not pointing out anything new here, and I've noticed it not only on my own frankly mediocre NL tracks but even the very best hand built NL1 tracks have this problem: the lateral Gs are often at least a little jerky, they often approach +/-1 at some point no matter how well the track is crafted and even if it's clearly not meant to do so, and depending on the track the lats can really jump around a lot, especially when compared to NL2. This doesn't happen to the same degree if at all on hand-built NL2 tracks.
The actual question is pretty straightforward: is this a result of the readout being more sensitive in NL1 (or conversely, less sensitive in NL2) or is the answer more in the previous system of building not allowing the ultra-smooth hand-built tracks we are now seeing with 2?