Transitions are the most important part of any coaster, and this has them. the train is going around 40 mph here, so they are fast paced and provide a nice pop of airtime.

The current view from the first drop. The ride actually runs uphill until the far end, and downhill on the way back, making it possible for the ride to not lose much speed over the course of the track.

Lateral G heaven before entering a short break before the more intense part of the ride.

Did I mention there's a triple up? There's a triple up. Note that the 2 s-hills wrapping around it are going to be reworked or reshaped because right now they cause tunneling issues and are kind of ugly.

The first drop. Top speed is around 50 MPH.


Side view of the first drop.

The current end of the ride. Will be reworked. I will probably finish with an upward helix into the brakes.
That's about it for now. I'll keep you updated.
Edit: Because I haven't been on in a while, I accidentally put this in the wrong forum area. I can move it to the hard hat area if the admins want. My fault, sorry.