I just found this sketch of a spaghetti bowl coaster layout I drew a long time ago, probably around 7th grade:
I had no idea about manufacturers back then but it looks a bit like Premier rides and appears to have been inspired by Joker's Jinx.
The statistics were torn off but just as well since no matter what I came up with it likely wouldn't be able to be built to scale in NL2. In case you're wondering, I had named it 'The Mongoose.'
I was just now thinking on trying to recreate it in No Limits 2, but there would have to be some improvisation since it's fairly difficult to convey it in a 2D space, and parts of it go off the page, and IDK if I can follow the layout properly.
Despite being gp and not knowing about heart-lining at all, this appears to have some heart-lining.