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Question about Crystal Beach Cyclone

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Post October 10th, 2014, 11:19 am

Posts: 1
Points on hand: 62.00 Points

I will say right out of the gate I am a complete newbie. I actually heard about No Limits after/during building a motion simulator for driving. I have not even "rode" on all of the different coasters that came with NL1.

I am hoping some coaster experts can offer some suggestions. The Crystal Beach Cyclone coaster has several features that my sim recreates better than any others. I do not know the official terms, but I will do my best to describe what I am talking about. I am hoping someone can suggest other rides that have similar features.

First, there is a section of track that just rolls back and forth (left and right several times). I guess in the world of coaster this may seem pretty tame, but my sim responds awesome to that type of motion.

The second feature, oddly enough, is the rolling, gradual rise and drops repeated in quick succession. Again, not the most earth shaking feature, but for some reason it feels like my stomach is in my throat while going through that portion especially.

I have considered jumping in with both feet and trying to create a small coaster with these features, but I was a bit overwhelmed when I opened the editor.

So, coaster experts, can anyone offer some suggestions or point me in the right direction? Thank you in advance for any help.

Post October 10th, 2014, 4:40 pm
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Take a look at some tutorials, look at the editor and play around with it. NL has a pretty steep learning curve.

Don't expect to be perfect on the first 1000 tries, expect to continue pursuing perfection for the rest of your life. There's no way I'm perfect, and even the top builders have flaws. The trick is to not let it get to you.
Coaster Count: 582 // Top Five: 1. Helix 2. Nemesis 3. Big Bad Wolf 4. Boulder Dash 5. Balder

Coasterkidmwm wrote:
4 G's to the taint was a bit much for me because I'm not a power bottom like Turbo

Post October 10th, 2014, 5:14 pm
afro85 User avatar
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You could start by looking at Turbo's tutorials on yt but mainly work on the editor as much as you can by trying something easy first and then step up your game, for a beginner I'll also suggest to show the community pictures of the coaster you are building on the hard hat section of this site to get feedback from people that know a lot about shaping and coasters in general! I'm sure that if you can engineer a real motion simulator device would not be that hard for you to became a good NL designer.

Post October 10th, 2014, 7:47 pm

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One thing I will point out is that NoLimits 2 is a FAR more powerful simulator than the original version, and it is also MUCH easier to build tracks by hand on NoLimits 2 than NL1. Most of the best tracks built in the original simulator were made with third party applications specifically designed to create smooth tracks in NL1. This is not to say that it's not possible to create a very decent track by hand in NoLimits-- it totally is-- but it is also exceedingly difficult to make them all that smooth, and doesn't even hold a candle to the ease with which this is accomplished in NL2.

I sort of feel bad even bringing it up since you just bought NL1. The truth is, though, if you have another 50 dollars you can spare (I know not everyone does), NL2 is the far superior program and does use a rather different build set-up than the first version. Anyone who has used NoLimits 1 relatively proficiently can get used to NL2 at a decently quick pace, but they are not the same.

I hope this doesn't confuse you and there's no doubt that the original NoLimits was also an amazing program. However, the company themselves is also moving on from NL1. I was told in an e-mail there will be no more updates, including bug fixes, so what you bought is what you get. NoLimits 2 is the current software from the developers, and will continue to be updated with decent frequency for at least the foreseeable future.

Just throwing it out there! Good luck either way. I would literally recommend building the simplest tracks you can in NL1 until you get a basic handle on the tools available... I'm talking a lift, drop, MAYBE a simple loop, and return to the station kind of deal. Once you can comfortable create a ride like that, there's no real reason you can't expand it to a full-size thrill machine, at least with regards to understanding which functions to use and how.

Post October 14th, 2014, 7:37 am
TTD03 User avatar
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Everything everyone else said was great advise!
Glad to see a new seeking builder in the communnity!

Also, as zac said, purchasing NL2 if possible would be fantastic!

Post October 16th, 2014, 4:44 pm

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this is what I did,

I made some really small coasters,
then kinda got into some 125 ft hypers
and then I got into like the 150 ft tall hybrids
then I did the 200-250 ft launched coasters
and I think I was complete.

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