devilsrule911 wrote:
I'm pretty sure RMC had nothing to do with the length of the coaster. If I had to guess, Six Flags wanted to save money and didn't want to pay the money for 2 coasters worth of steel track.
Manic Monte wrote:
^ Right. Colossus may have been considered massive 20 years ago, but not today. Heck, Ghostrider has a much more impressive structure.
So for what RMC had to work with, I think they created an awesome alternative. But you know, steep drops and RMC airtime is just the most horrible thing. Just disgusting. lol
I tried to be cool about this coaster, even in this thread that I made about how disappointed I am but...
Paradox wrote:
I think what bothers me the most about TC is the missed potential. RMC had a big coaster that dueled and made a terrible layout out of it. I was expecting more from them, but I guess RMC didn't try so hard on TC.
Doesn't even begin to explain how pissed I am at everyone involved. And I'm only going to get this one chance
They took a World Record-Breaking, 6 time movie star, globally recognizable roller coaster, cut it in half...
Pause for a sec here
Twisted Colossus will be 4,990ft long.
The combined length of both sides of Colossus would be 8,650ft. If they kept both sides equal and added the 665 feet of track to both sides (each side is was 4,325) they could have pulled off every element and more and with the third lap completely redone could even dual at the end, all will taking the record from Gemini for the highest capacity roller coaster in the world for running eight trains at one time (Gemini can run up to six). That's just if they kept both sides!
gave it what is now all cliche elements, and what's worse, slashed it's capacity so bad they don't release it.
Colossus could hold 144 riders at a time with 6 trains of 24. By dispatching two trains every 75 (1 one minute 15 seconds) given that an hour is 3600 seconds, they'd be sending out 48 trains an hour per side. If perfectly synched it would be 96 trains an hour. That would be 2,304 riders per hour if my math is right. I'm not sure where RCDB is getting that stat of 2,600 riders per hour.
Twisted Colossus doesn't list how many trains it will have. BUT we do know that it will have the same train capacity, and that the ride time is 130 seconds long by rcdb. I believe that over what six flags says. We also know that the second lift hill IS THE ONLY MID COURSE BRAKE and the sides are to duel/race.
That would mean one train every 65 seconds if you cut the ride time in half, giving 52 trains an hour
GIVING A MAXIMUM EFFICIENCY CAPACITY OF 1,248 RIDERS PER HOUR!!!! THAT'S LESS THAN BATMAN!!! It doesn't matter how many trains you have if you only have one brake run after the first hill. It'll have to clear it before you can clear that lift block. We all know this!
And what I'll never ever until I die forgive, and I will teach my children to hate them for...
Is they took this gorgeous icon of what a roller coaster should look like...

and made it a blue green twisted pile of crayon-eating-retard poop with less ride capacity than X2, Tatsu, and Ninja

while marketing a double ride roller coaster to the GP. Get them on, get them off get them buying stuff if they need money! This is going to be a total nightmare by mathematical fact in every possible way when it would have actually been cheaper to just build a new RMC coaster like Goliath in Gurnee. They wouldn't have had to tear all that out, add all that support, rebuild it after it tried to commit suicide, raised their count and used up so much extra space with better ride capacity and a much more interesting layout.