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Post September 25th, 2003, 6:17 pm

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have you ever seen those big spiders (and i mean big) that make those humongous webs. Well, they are EVERYWHERE! There is atleast one giant web in a yard, and as you drive up and down the streets, not only do you seem them in the yards, but between the power lines. These spiders have just started to appear, and it's nearing winter. Why werent they out during spring and summer? If ya know, post your comments

Post September 25th, 2003, 6:42 pm
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[lol] I see them here all the time, sometimes I run into them when running out to my car in the morning heading to school. I dunno why they come out at this time of year though, maybe more bug traffic this time of year? I do notice more flies around this time of the year so that can be it, more food for them to take the time to build the intricate webs they build.

Post September 25th, 2003, 7:31 pm

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LOL i ran into one, it built the web between the car and a tree and i didnt see it. It took me forever to get all that web off my clothes. They are evil

Post September 25th, 2003, 8:13 pm

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Post September 25th, 2003, 11:25 pm

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really, do you know the type they are? tell you what is drving me insane right now is f'n lovebugs (have to clean my windows and wash the front of my truck every freaking day) they are going to make me nuts. They only come out here for a few weeks at this time everyyear. I have had to replace my wiperfluid four times in the last week.

Post September 25th, 2003, 11:30 pm
Kev True Addicts
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I mainly see fiddlebacks and tarantulas around here, though I don't think tarantulas build webs. I try not to get close enough to either of them to see how big their fangs are. [lol]

Post September 26th, 2003, 1:33 am
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the ones here are yellow with black dots on them and they also have fangs and jump

Post September 26th, 2003, 9:19 am

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Post September 26th, 2003, 11:11 am
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no, those aren't hit, they're yellow with black dots not black with yellow patches and their ass is smaller.

Post September 26th, 2003, 11:54 am

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[lol] at this discussion [:p]

Bleh spiders are the worst creatures that live on earth, probably along with muskito's that is. I wish they found something to kill all of them. Blegh those things give me the creeps, I'm glad we don't have those huge ones here in The Netherlands, only the small ones. So I always apply the vacuum cleaner on them when i see one in my room [pshades] When the roof of our house got new reed about a year ago they were really everywhere. So far haven't seen much of them [pshades] (maybe i killed them all, muhahahahaha!)

Post September 26th, 2003, 12:02 pm
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spiders eat mosquitos, well kill them when they get trapped in the web so without spiders you'd have more pesky mosquitos! mosquitos or mosquitoes? [lol]

Post September 26th, 2003, 1:57 pm

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hey, arent daddy long-legs the most venomous spidey but cant bite into our skin?

Once I had a huge brown garden spider dangle within 1 foot of me when I was tryin to sleep. I tried to kill it and he fell on my bed somewhere. I got up, waited a half hour and saw him on my wall..It was just seconds he met my shoe.
It looked like Image
b4 he got smashed and flushed away

Post September 26th, 2003, 3:43 pm

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spiders dont bother me in the least bit.... i really hate all the sterotypes of spiders and stuff and the way everyone hates them for no reason at all... Althought if i saw a 12 inch spider (yes spider wws) stuck on the be kinda worried

Post September 26th, 2003, 3:45 pm

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I am familiar w/ the brown recluse (which I might add can really mess up your day, week, etc....) They stay hidden pretty well so you usually won't come across them but they do tend to like to get into shoes and the sort and pack a nasty venom (extreme swelling and painful draining). As for the other spider I am not all that familiar w/ it, does kinda remind me of a bananna spider though. Now for eating misquito's I can handle that I live and louisiana by the gulf and thinking about starting a petition to make them the state bird lol. [xx(]

Post September 26th, 2003, 11:26 pm

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This is the spider i am talking about, i think Image Brown recluses change peoples lives, you can feel the side effects of their bites years after. Do not mess with them. Also, another fact is that, black widows/ red backs, dont kill too many people. In fact, if you get bitten, chances are you will feel some pain, then it iwll go away in a day, but still seek medical help.

Post September 26th, 2003, 11:34 pm

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Post September 26th, 2003, 11:41 pm

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Also, another fact is that, black widows/ red backs, dont kill too many people.

they can kill people if the person who is bitten by them doesn't get medical help soon after the bite. But if they do get medical help, its not likely they can kill some1

Post September 27th, 2003, 12:00 am

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Yeah, and you dont feel the side effects for about 8 hours after the bite. You go to into respitory arrest and yeah, if you dont get the antivenom, then you die. But that is mostly for little children, but it can happen to anyone

Post September 27th, 2003, 12:15 am
Kev True Addicts
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Post September 27th, 2003, 12:18 am

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I agree...I was just lookin @ black widow pix and I couldnt look @ them w/out gettin cold chills... (yes, I'm an arachnifobiac)

Post September 27th, 2003, 12:25 am

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that one pic you showed me Gumball of the black widow was SCARY! and sick

Post September 27th, 2003, 1:36 am

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I know alot about spiders, but I just don't like them, I had a tranchela and actually, they do spend webs. I would hold it alot, but it won't just bite you for no reason, my brother was holding it one day (if the spider gets earitated, it kicks little hairs on you that stick in you skin) and he got kicked with hair, he said it didn't hert it just was reallt anoying. And a few years ago I was spending the night at my friends house, and I was in my sleeping bag and all of the sudden my friend said SPIDER! and I didn't see it, but then I saw it, crawling out of my sleepong bag ( thank god it wasn't ziped up, but it was just a wolf spider) So I jump up found a stick in the window ( so no one could open it) and smashed the mo'fo LOL! I have seen alot of black widows back in the day ( when I lived in california) never been bite by one.

Post September 27th, 2003, 3:46 am
Oscar User avatar
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Originally posted by IntaminFan397

Also, another fact is that, black widows/ red backs, dont kill too many people.

they can kill people if the person who is bitten by them doesn't get medical help soon after the bite. But if they do get medical help, its not likely they can kill some1

I've been bitten by black windows a bunch of times and not once have I gotten medical attention forthem bites. I do get dizzy though [:D] and sweeling where the bite is but haven't died, even got bit by one today while moving beer.

Post September 27th, 2003, 7:00 am

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Post September 27th, 2003, 7:01 am
Kev True Addicts
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